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Comment Re:See mom? (Score 1) 113

Percentage wise he made less than 0.40%!!! The Nikkei stock exchange went up 57% in 2013 in Japan but he only made 0.40% (yes, you see that correctly, less than half of one percent) so no I will not back down from my statement that he is an idiot with ADD. The article does not state how big his trading account is so I had to use the $15 billion total figure for my calculation but nonetheless I'm safely assuming that he must be trading with a few hundred million dollars alone to reach trillions in trading volume.

Why is that a safe assumption? 15000000 / 54000000 = ~278. Thus one 54 million trade a day is way more than enough to get high trade volume. 41 trades one million dollar each a day would also be enough. I would guess the actual trade amount would be somewhere between those values.

Unless I managed to fail my calculations.

Comment Re:Only payments? (Score 1) 336

Well yes, but when you have several devices, the easy pairing is rather nice feature. And no, it's not 'whatever form of NFC', the payment video had a standard NFC capable reader.

"NFC offers a low-speed connection with extremely simple setup, and can be used to bootstrap more capable wireless connections." See

Comment Aero Or Go Home (Score 1) 545

Nah. It took a long time to get used to the flatness of Windows 8 (and still looks boring), but the level of transparency in W7 is in my opinion too high (after getting used to 8). Pity they went nuts fixing it.

Comment Re: Send in the drones! (Score 1) 848

Right. Which was about a third of the country, and precisely the people that would have voted the other way.

If I recall correctly, based on the polls before all this happened, more than 50% of those areas were happy to stay Ukrainian. Of course, voting while armed pro-Russians stay around the see-through ballot boxes might have skewed the final results (as happened in Crimea). However, they didn't allow the voting to happen, so the point is moot...

Comment Re:Methane Anyone? (Score 1) 582

It may take some time for people in EU to realize their gas prices going up. When they do see the bill rise, they will blame Russia easily enough.

I think you have this backwards. I believe it is a question on how dangerous/blameful Europe sees Russia, and exactly how big the bill from switching the supplier will be...

Comment Re:I know you're trying to be funny, but... (Score 5, Informative) 739

His manner is coarse

It's not "coarse", it's abusive. Namecalling, mocking, ridicule, hyperbole. That's abuse.

If you read the message, you may have noticed that he called the code shit, not any person coding it. Same with all other colorful language. I wouldn't get offended.

Comment Re:If only Bill Waterson inspired other cartoonist (Score 1) 119

Technically it is an opposite of a fan. Not that that really changes your point. I believe I smiled because of the absurdity. Perhaps because I had just been reminded of the world of Calvin and Hobbes. The person in the strip has a fantastic idea which is then shot down by a stupid pun by a talking windmill. Could be that partial reason for the smile is the appearance of the windmill itself, as windmills have made several appearances in xkcd in different contexts.

But yes, you disliked it, I enjoyed it, XKCD hopefully goes on.

Comment Re:hmmm (Score 1) 119

I don't agree with this. I don't think he is personally all that famous, rather his work is famous.. And while I am not a huge fan, I am a fan nevertheless, and personally got rather good value (enjoyment, joy) for my money... Good enough that I consider the idea that Watterson should give a little back kind of offensive towards the man himself.

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