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Comment Fucking Republicans! (Score 1) 167

Yes, TikTok just might be under the control of the Chinese government. If not, the company is certainly under its thumb, as are all tech companies based there. Unfortunately, the First Amendment of the US Constitution stands in the way of anything these hypocrites want to do. Republicans, allegedly the party of the freedom of speech, back bans on content moderation, the distribution of information on abortion, and attempts left and right to ban books in schools and libraries. Fuck the Republicans! It is the party of extremism and hypocrisy. I stopped voting for them years ago when it became clear that they had lost all sense of decency and morality. The Democrats, for all their many failings, better represent my values in decency and government administration today and it is they who I almost always vote for now.

Comment Hmmmm...... (Score 1) 106

Currently, there are six LTS Linux kernels -- 6.1, 5.15, 5.10, 5.4, 4.19, and 4.14. Under the process to date, 4.14 would roll off in January 2024, and another kernel would be added. Going forward, though, when the 4.14 kernel and the next two drop off, they won't be replaced.

No one may be using 4.14 but I do know for certain that the Android 12 installed on my phone uses version 4.19. My phone is a 2022 model so I suspect that Motorola will continue to update it for at least another two or three years. Does this mean that they (and I) are screwed when 4.19 drops off the supported list?

Comment Re:Say what you will about the U.S., but ... (Score -1) 75

The power is now closer to the people, as dictated by the 10th Amendment, as it should be

No, the power is not closer to the people. It is in the hands of six unelected mostly ultra right-wing clowns who are, like you and like the majority of the Republicans in the US, a crazed neo-fascist ideologue. I left the Republican Party when it was clear to me that it devolved into a party made up of voters who are knuckle-dragging barbarians like you. Hillary Clinton was absolutely right. The Republicans who supported Trump are "deplorables."

The US Constitution is not a static document and interpretations of it must be allowed to change over time to deal with situations and conditions in society that the authors never possibly could have envisioned. The authors of the Roe V. Wade decision recognized this basic fact and acted accordingly. A woman should always have the right to control her own body and what she does with it is her decision alone and no one else's business, and certainly not that of the government. The Dobbs decision was an blatant attack on the civil rights of women and the imposition of alleged Christian values upon the women of the country. If you were a woman, I think you might just be able to understand that. Perhaps if you became a transgender person, cut off your penis, and had estrogen injected into you regularly, you just might feel differently about it. The strict constructionists are dead wrong and are using their dubious legal theories to back up their attempted imposition of a sort of Christianity-based religious fascism. The US is a secular country and was intended to be so from the day the Constitution was ratified.

Comment Re:Say what you will about the U.S., but ... (Score 1) 75

SCOTUS works entirely within a legal framework. They don't get to reverse laws because they don't like them.

Wanna bet? Remember Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, the SCOTUS decision that eliminated fifty years of jurisprudence that said that abortion was a civil right? Do you not think that Justice Alito didn't first make up his mind and then find a legal justification for it that his conservative cronies would then follow? The current court is filled with judicial hypocrites and all of them are on the right.

Comment Re:Who cares? (Score 1) 37

Hmmm.... What are you suggesting? Life in prison? A death sentence? Given that the perps are probably all in Russia, are you suggesting a special rendition to some black site or Gitmo? I'm sure the Russians would be thrilled to learn about the US doing that on their soil. If you really feel this way, an extralegal assassination might be your best bet. Just have the perp fall out of a window or find that some polonium has been put into his tea. Everyone will think that Putin did it.

Comment Who cares? (Score 0) 37

Really, who the hell really cares about this, aside from Clorox shareholders, employees, and management? It's not like the world is going to run out of bleach and other cleaning products. There are other companies that make good cleaning products like Proctor & Gamble (full disclosure: I own a little bit of this company's stock). And when it comes to chlorine bleach, bleach is bleach no matter who makes it. It's the same stuff no matter whose label is on the bottle. The bad news is that its another cyberattack made on a corporation that probably has lousy security in place.

It's the same as with the attack on MGM in Las Vegas. Who the hell really cares? One of its employees did something stupid and got social engineered. There is supposed to be training in place to prevent this kind of thing from happening. Besides, if you really need to waste money at a slot machine and you're in Vegas, there are plenty of other hotels and casinos. Hell, why leave home? There are plenty of hotels and attached casinos near where I live thanks to the multitude of Indian casinos in the area. The country is full of these Native American gambler's paradises.

Comment Re:Is this news really any surpprise? (Score 1) 102

California is setting themselves up for a big problem with their policies on fossil fuels.

Yeah, and I live in California and voted for some of those turkeys in government who are trying to phase out fossil fuels without having sufficient alternatives in place. I'm ashamed to admit it but I voted for some of them only because the alternatives were much more scary. The "Looney Left" is a problem, and they sponsor such idiocy as you mentioned in your post, but they tend to be more sane all in all than the prominent members of the California Republican Party. They are dominated currently by complete ultra right-wing, delusional, conspiracy theory-ridden crazies and nutcases among them who would be downright dangerous if they actually got their hands on any real power. Let's face it: all politicians are idiots, just some are more psychotic than others!

Comment Is this news really any surpprise? (Score 1) 102

Geez... does anyone really think that India has the electric infrastructure in place to even begin to support electric vehicles? How many Indians live in villages without electrical infrastructure? Hell, California can barely manage to keep the lights on during an extended heat wave even without factoring in all the parked Teslas sucking power off the grid during the daylight hours. If California can't do it now, does anyone think India, can anytime in the foreseeable future?

This is the lie of electric vehicles and the alleged revolution it will trigger. While it is true that EV's will perhaps eliminate most fossil fuel vehicles in the developed world once they finish building out the electrical infrastructure to support them, it will almost certainly never happen in the developing world. Gasoline and diesel are with us to stay!

Comment A Pity (Score 1) 120

It is a pity that they are doing this but why? It certainly isn't because Microsoft is trying to slim down the side of a basic Windows install. If they were truly interested in doing that they'd get rid of all that additional crapware very few want that is automatically installed. Hah! They could make it easy for users to get rid of Edge and all those pesky programs that continually remind you of its existence and repeatedly encourage you to use it instead of Chrome, so that Microsoft can spy on your browsing habits instead of Google. When I regularly used Windows and Wordpad appeared with Windows 95, I found it a very useful program. (I think Microsoft even published the source code of that first version to provide an example of the use of the MFC class library in C++ as I had a copy of it at one time.)

Despite what TFA says about how RTF is rarely used these days, guess what? I find it useful and continue to use the format. Why be required to load some massive program like MS Word or LibreOffice Write to read and edit RTF documents when there is a much simpler (and much faster in terms of load time) program already available? Admittedly, I'm a long-time Mac user and I'm sticking with it no matter what so no one at Microsoft is going to give a rat's ass about what I think about the deprecation of Wordpad, but the macOS equivalent of Wordpad and Notepad, TextEdit, will happily read RTF and is the go-to app for that task. I use it regularly and hope that it will never disappear because it's just so handy to have around. I suspect it never will simply because of its utility for performing some basic, simple tasks.

Comment At last! (Score 1) 76

At last! Some reasonable horse sense from a government in a purported liberal democracy that allegedly does a bit more than just pay lip service to protecting the civil rights of its citizens. Now, if only this kind of reasonability could be found in the various American state governments or in the U.S. Congress. The idiot actions du jour these days appears to be to see just how ridiculous legislatures can get when crafting, debating (if that's what they actually do!), and getting the governor to approve "protect the children" Internet regulations that stand no chance of survival in the courts. It won't even be close!

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 76

I'd fail on that test if it were on a porn site and I were interested in going to a porn site (I'm not). My high school calculus class is so far in the past that I can just barely remember the name of the instructor! I think I could still obtain the derivative though! 2x? Well, maybe.

Comment A Boot Sector Virus (Score 1) 106

Over the decades people have said that DOS and later Windows were "boot sector viruses." Perhaps they were right all along given Windows 11's current behavior!

I once thoroughly enjoyed using Windows when I was using Windows 2000 and XP, and I must admit a certain fondness for Windows 95. Yes, as an operating system, especially compared to Windows NT, it was a piece of shit under the hood, but it was perhaps the greatest software engineering hack in history, something that "just worked" on a very wide range of hardware from every manufacturer imaginable. But Windows 11 today is just the worst that Microsoft can offer the world. I'm forced to use it at work and I hate it, with that damned pesky Edge continuing to rear its ugly head when I least expect it.

For my computers at home I use Macs. macOS is a pretty slick, rather unintrusive operating system and it much, much easier to use than anything Microsoft has ever produced, although its unnecessary transformation into bloatware has continued, sucking ever more RAM and SSD space with unnecessary (IMHO) Apple-branded crapware services that I will never use, have turned off, but can't get rid of. I'd rather use Ubuntu Linux and avoid paying the Apple tax, this being forced to buy their overpriced hardware, but there are some things I do at home that I can't do with Ubuntu that I can only do with macOS.

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