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Comment boomer product (Score 1, Troll) 60

When was the last time you heard of a kickass tech product being launched into a competitive market... by founders that are 63 and 69?

Quibi may as well have had "how do you do fellow kids" as a tagline.

Comment Re:Elephant in the Room (Score 5, Insightful) 300

You have it around the wrong way. It's not that they're on Biden's side and so they're trying to make him win. It's that they think Biden's going to win so they're trying to look like they're on his side. Their risk analysis guys have woken up to the fact that having a business model of "be the President's unofficial PR team" only works if the Oval Office never changes hands.

If Biden wins, Elizabeth Warren will be at the cabinet table and she'll be carrying a bat with BREAK UP BIG TECH written on it. These social media whores are just preparing their "please don't hit me Miz Warren, we're the good guys, look at how we banned those posts" performances.

F*ck them all.

Comment Re:Have you tried OneDrive? (Score 1) 96

When I tried OneDrive on my work Mac - admittedly several years ago - I found it had problems with certain file extensions.

Using it now. It's awful. Slow, buggy, resource hog, but since I'm already paying for 365 to get domain email and doc editing it's free and I'm on a tight budget.

Comment Re:Monopoly (Score 1) 121

Apple has something that the Hey team wants. The wealthiest most-influential most-ecommerce-friendly smartphone users in the world. iPhone users. Apple is saying "You want what we've got, and you can't have it for free. If you want the sorts of users you can get for free, there are other app stores and other phones and other users."

Comment Re:It is hot garbage? (Score 1) 280

Everything that can be said about the DC movie franchise was the reaction to the Wonder Woman movie: "Holy shit, they made a good movie... HOW?!"

Unfortunately the answer is "by shamelessly plagiarising a Marvel film"

Act I of WW is entirely forgettable (some origin story on an island?) while Acts II and III are just plagiarism of Captain America: The First Avenger.

What WW has is Gal Gadot's personal beauty and charisma and her chemistry with Chris Pine. Everything else is either DC-movie-by-the-numbers dreck or copied from Captain America.

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