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Comment Re:Brilliant (Score 4, Funny) 85

How a bout having a set of predefined buttons with a small bump so that the number 5 can easily be identified. The buttons could be placed in some sort of logical order, let's say in ascending numbers, 3 each row. We could also add * # Send and End as buttons.

It might look something like that:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
* 0 #

What would really be cool and useful too is to make sure that when someone presses a button it also feels like its been pressed.

As an aside, a cool feature would be the cellphone speaker phone saying the number that was pressed as someone dialed. _That_ would be useful.

Comment Re:Pipes bursting (Score 2, Informative) 695

Actually this is much worse as your risk having the pipes connecting the house to the aqueduc burst.

The best way is to have a small thread of water running from a faucet, for both the hot and cold water taps. Depending on the layout of the plumbing there might be a need for 2 or 3 faucets to be running.

Comment Re:Acupuncure? (Score 1) 713

Well, that means that the sham treatment isn't so much of a sham.

The problem is in factoring all of the variables:
- Depth of needle penetration (if at all)
- Coating of the needle
- Placement of the needle

There is a difference between putting a bunch of needles randomly on someone's body, vs just applying non-penetrating pressure at a few points using a needle.

Sham acupuncture, by definition, is sticking needles in randomly, but the body will tend to react to it, no matter where it is.

Comment Re:The author is wrong about accupuncture (Score 1) 713

The problem is that one egg is much more easier to stop then some 20 million sperms.

Right now, all the current contraceptive for men, except condoms, affect sexual desire because they also cut down the testosterone production, which is why an alternative source of it is also needed.

As for the pill, there is also Depo Provera which is an injection every 12 week. Unfortunately they require regular bone densitometry tests as some women are vulnerable to bone loss while using it.

Comment My experience as a freelancer (Score 1) 438

I've started about 7 years ago under similar circumstances.

Here is the advice I have to give you:

1. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. There are going to be a lot of fish out there, and quite a few of them are bad. Avoid them at all costs.

2. If it is too good to be true... get a signed contract.

3. Don't hesitate to fire a toxic customer which kills your motivation. They just drag you down and you'll be better of without them.

4. If a longtime customer has difficulty paying, work out a payment plan. If a new customer has difficulty paying, stop working for them until they pay all that is due (including unbilled time).

5. Use a CRM (hint http://www.maximumcrm.com/ ) to keep track of your customers.

6. Keep track of all the time you spend with your customers, including just having IM conversations. While it may not be billable, it could point to you problem customers, eg those that talk a lot buy don't pay much.

7. Make your hourly time what you think you are worth. If you try to compete on cost you'll just wish you got a job again.

8. Make agreements that allow you to show case the work you did and use it as example whenever possible. This is going to be a major problem as you get experiences as a freelancer as a lot of companies don't want to let you use the work you did for them as part of your marketing.

9. Make backups.

10. Test your backups.

11. Use SSH keys instead of trying to remember a gajillion passwords.

12. Your long time customers are worth gold and will bring you much much more work then elance or other expert marketplaces.

13. Diversify, don't keep working for just 1 customer. At least have 4 "permanent" customers.

14. Some customers might ask for a discount if they commit to a certain number of hours per month, or they might want to enter into such an agreement. It does help to limit the fluctuations in monthly income, but you do have to be able to provide for all of your commitments.

15. Be careful who you sub contract to. Their work will have a direct reflection on yours. If I have a new subcontractor I want to try out, I usually use him/her on a new customer. Always, in any case, handle ALL communications and billing between you and the subcontractors. This is even more true for your longtime customers as they will expect a certain quality to the work you do.

16. Make backups, again.

17. Make sure that the flat rate you pull out of your ass reflects the work that is requested. This is unfortunately not always possible, especially if you use Elance for leads. Make sure your hourly rate is in the profile and point it out to the customer if he ever wonders what it is.

18. Be careful in giving freebies. If you establish a pattern (like billing by the quarter hour), then customers will expect you to keep it.

19. Keep a separate facebook / myspace account for your customers. Don't post your recent party photos to it!

20. Keep accurate bookkeeping and pay your taxes. If the tax agency finds you making undeclared money they are going to wait a few years so that you dig yourself a rather large hole and charge you many years of penalties and interest on these penalties.

The Courts

Submission + - eBay forced to open selling data to taxman (www.cbc.ca)

Nuitari The Wiz writes: "As more Canadians buy and sell online, retailer eBay Canada says it expects to disclose information on its so-called "power sellers" to Canada Revenue Agency this week.

The release of data is in response to a ruling by the Federal Court of Appeal last April.

The court ordered eBay to turn over to the tax agency the names and gross sales figures of Canadians who earn at least $1,000 a month from online sales for three straight months."


Microsoft Announces Windows Azure, Cloud-Based OS 419

snydeq writes "Microsoft today introduced Windows Azure, its operating system for the cloud. The OS serves as the underlying foundation of the Azure Services Platform to help developers build apps that span from the cloud to the datacenter, to PCs, the Web, and phones. Cloud-based developer capabilities are combined with storage, computational, and network infrastructure services, which are hosted on servers within Microsoft's global data center network."
The Courts

Submission + - Torrent.is wins Supreme Court Appeal (torrentfreak.com) 2

neuron2neuron writes: torrent.is is the most popular tracker in Iceland, with 1-in-10 of the population signed up. Taken down by a court injunction in November 2007, the case was dismissed in March. The Rights agency, appealed, and now, the Icelandic Supreme court has dismissed the appeal, leaving the site set to open again on May 16th.

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