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Comment Need for a special academic copyright? (Score 2, Insightful) 349

Maybe they should make a special copyright for academic works. Allow the schools to create a copyright but its a limited copyright of sorts. People could freely use it, reference it or copy it for their personal use but if they ever want to sell it they then have to talk to the institution that holds the copyright for it and get permission or setup a deal.

Personally though im of the mind that if something was created in the academic world it should be fair game for everyone not looking to make money because our tax money partially paid for it. Anything innovated for profit from said copyright should at least acknowledge and pay something to the original inventor. You take public funds and you'd better be willing to give that item, idea or whatever to those that funded it. The public. They couldn't of made it otherwise.

Comment Re:What is it with meetings? (Score 3, Informative) 274

Many managers dont really do a dam thing other then make a schedule and watch the budget. Thats why they are so frequently in meetings so it looks as if they are being productive.

As an example my boss has meetings nearly every day, some all day meetings. She rarely comes back and talks about what was mentioned in the meetings but none of it is ever useful or changes things for the better. This has gone on for almost 8 years now.

Ive been to a few of those meetings as well and more then half of the meeting is the women talking about their family, some other pointless crap or kissing the ass of the higher up boss. The other half is them asking what did we do last meeting and asking questions that should be answered but never do because "Ill have to check on that" is the typical response. The meetings are nothing more then a waste of time.

I pretty much govern myself except when my boss feels the need to make herself look good and rushes me through a project just so she can brag about how quickly something was done...

Maybe its because I work in higher education or because 75% of the management here are women who would rather play social games with each other.

Comment Im probably dumb but (Score 1) 624

Personally I think that ultra fast trading is bad for the economy. It causes artificial imbalences in how supply and demand, business values should work. It then gives way for people to abuse the system given enough money and speed. There should be limits on how much can be traded in any given time. If there were limits it would allow who ever it is that should be regulating the markets to put some breaks on things when they see a problem, at least until things stabilize without closing down the entire exchange or destroying peoples retirement funds in the blink of an eye.

Comment Re:SO if I (Score 3, Informative) 207

A better apology would be say 100 people bought the same book then each person copies a few pages and gives it to other people who are then able to form the full book after collecting the pieces from the other 100 people. I think what they are trying to prove is that a individual that uses bit torrent is only giving another person a part of the info they need to complete a file. For them to be able to prosecute they would have to prosecute everyone who is sharing the copies. All or none basically. I believe fair use laws are being used to somewhat protect bit torrent users in this case. It may work for a while but i have no doubt that the politicians will start to make new laws specifying that even a part of a file is equal to the whole file.

Comment Telegraphing his punches (Score 3, Insightful) 1211

I am curious as to what people think about McCain's opinion against Obama telegraphing his punches so to speak? This came up in one of the debates. None of the media really touched on it, that I read, but I think it shows a serious character flaw in the mind of McCain maybe even our military thinking. Here is the quote: "But the point is that I know how to handle these crises. And Sen. Obama, by saying that he would attack Pakistan, look at the context of his words. I'll get Osama bin Laden, my friends. I'll get him. I know how to get him. I'll get him no matter what and I know how to do it. But I'm not going to telegraph my punches, which is what Sen. Obama did. " McCain sounds as if his whole tactic is to sneak up behind someone, slap them in the ear and kick them while they are down. Isn't that wrong of him to imply that? Isn't that simply being sneaky or shady about what his true intentions are? I don't understand that kind of mentality. I think it's dishonorable. Our great nation should be well above that that kind of tactic. We should be able to go to a country diplomatically and say hey im going to bomb your borders to get some bad guys. You can go along with us and help or stay out of the way. If you fight us not only the bad guys will be in trouble, so will you. Sure we don't need to "telegraph" them specifics, troop numbers equipment etc, but giving them a fair warning, I believe, is more then warranted. The reason I say this is let them put up their defenses, let them prepare for it and then when we come in and blow a giant hole through their lines and get our target it will not only demean them it will show who does have the most power. That kind of tactic hurts their defenses and their egos, not the ooh "dam he got me while I wasn't looking but ill get him back mentality" that we seem to be creating currently.

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