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Comment Re: Business decisions should not be altruistic (Score 1) 606

Your sense of altruism is admirable. Good idea for an individual, but horrible for business. The only way to succeed in business is to minimize expense and maximize profit. To work for the greater good is more suited for nonprofits (even if I personally agree with the idea).

Comment Re: Ain't no body got time for that (Score 1) 606

Bull. I live near Saskatoon Saskatchewan, a small city by north american standards. When my wife and I bought our home, we were forced to choose between the ghetto (where crime is DOUBLE anywhere else in town) or to move out of the city. With our first child on the way it was a no-brainer. To move to a downtown area that isn't crime-ridden would cost TWICE what we're currently paying. It is undoubtedly worse in larger centers.

Comment Actually... (Score 1) 168

App updates, including updates to Google Play Services, always ask for explicit permission if the app's device permissions change (if an app needs to use GPS and hadn't previously, for instance). When apps haven't changed their requirements, you can still turn off automatic updates in order to prevent any app (once again including Play Services) from updating without your explicit permission. If you don't add a google account to your device, you won't even be alerted about possible updates, let alone see them applied without permission (once again, this includes Google's Play Services). And in the very extreme case of an entire system update, you are always asked for explicit permission before upgrading. In other words, even when your device comes with Google Play Services by default (as most do), you are NEVER forced to apply system or app updates without authorization.

Comment Re: Just 1 Anonymous Coward (Score 2) 189

Shouldn't you be boycotting? I understand the anti-beta posts from last week, and the boycott, and I will certainly even visit it and sign up, but I at least hoped that this week I could enjoy Slashdot without the first post being another anti-beta rant. Well written, but off topic, and at this point ridiculous, as you all threatened to leave us as alone for a week. At this rate, you'll have a flourishing community on you new site, and STILL be trolling here long after it's no longer beta. Last week it wasn't irritating, it was even a bit inspiring. Now it's just stupid.

Comment so??? (Score 0, Flamebait) 934

While I personally don't see the need for guns aside from hunting, and we all know that the US's gun proliferation is directly correlated to it's staggering gun violence numbers, I can accept that that's what the constitution says and it's valid. However, the "right to bear arms" is completely separate from the "right to buy arms". Here in Canada, I can smoke pot, I just can't legally own it. Different situation, I understand, but a good analogy.

Comment Re:3D-Printed Revolver? (Score 1) 521

Most injuries and deaths due to gun violence are not killed by terrorists. They're killed by people close to them who happen to have guns because they're easy to obtain, armed intruders who again have guns because they're easy to get, and gang members who - you guessed it - have guns because they're easy to get.

Now, while I agree that people who are out to murder will find a way to do so either way, but it's exponentially easier to kill somebody with a gun than with a knife or baseball bat. Consider the problem of children getting shot due to accidental discharge: A baseball bat can't accidentally kill someone - you pretty well have to do that on purpose. In the case of a kitchen knife, there are two differences between them and guns (aside from the obviousness of it being a close range weapon): 1. people use kitchen knives every day, so children are accustomed to them and know how very dangerous they are because they're constantly reminded, and 2. knives are usually kept out in the open, and are used to cut food, so they lack the "cool and secretive" aspect that guns have, which is likely one of the main reasons a 7 year old would even be interested in a gun.

Arguing against gun control because it won't prevent ALL violence is ridiculous. It's like arguing against seatbelts because "some people will still die in car accidents".

Comment Re:Please specify this legitimate way (Score 1) 309

What's the legitimate way to obtain a copy of the film Song of the South or the animated television series Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea?

The legitimate way was to have bought a copy when they were available. I'm not saying I agree with the current length of copyright, but if I start to sell copies of an artistic work, and then stop doing so, that's my prerogative. This would be the case even if copyright only lasted a day.

Comment Re:Linux on Mac?! (Score 1) 780

X11 may not be the default windowing system for OSX, but it's been available since OSX's inception. Also, Darwin is not FreeBSD, even though it is based on it. You need to compile everything from source to make it work (this is the definition of non-trivial). And lastly (albeit most importantly), Apple hardware is comparably priced with anything from Dell, HP, or Lenovo (check it out). That being said, if the author wanted a retina display for whatever reason, he needed to buy a MBP. The other manufacturers you name don't offer products with this high resolution. My first laptop was an ibook G4 which I bought second-hand, just to see what the fuss was about. Although I had the same opinion of OSX at that time, I was wrong. It took me about a year before I jettisoned OSX in favour of Debian (and later Ubuntu, when it worked well enough). The hardware, though, was fantastic. I've since owned several laptops and none have outlasted that old ibook, which is still in use (it's our kitchen computer now).
The Gimp

Submission + - Dream Studio 12.04 released; includes GIMP 2.8 by default. (

macinnisrr writes: "I'm proud to announce the release of Dream Studio 12.04. This new version features many updates including GIMP 2.8, an Ubuntu 12.04 base, a new default wallpaper, and a handy introduction slideshow for new users. Dream Studio uses a lowlatency-pae linux kernel, supporting both x86 and amd64 systems with up to 64GB of RAM.

Have a great weekend!
Dick MacInnis"

Comment Re:Um (Score 1) 399

That's exactly what my wife and I did, but we only mailed the dvds to older people. Everyone we felt was comfortable using the internet got a link to our custom website which featured the video on the front page and all other info in the primary menu. It was hosted at, but there's still an archive of it at

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