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Comment Re:For free? (Score 1) 54

I doubt it hasn't already been solved. I think they go "hey this would be a nice project for schools". I think they humor us. Really, this is basic physics and vectors. Their's no hardware to read, you get a state which is your current position, direction, and vector and your basically turning it into a homing missile. I think what the reality is that their hardware isn't going to perform like their simulation models it which is that catch to all this.

Comment Re:It better play the games I already own (Score 2) 233

You could have graphics cards on a 2 year lifecycle and have the game automatically pick the quality based on the one detected. Virtually every game no-adays can run on graphics cards older than 4 years, just it doesn't look as good as it could.

I think the main purpose for this is to simplify hardware requirements for a PC. "I have a steamBox 1" is simple, you make games and you say "compatible with steambox 1 or higher". Likewise, it ensures that nobody does stuff something stupid like skimp on dirt cheap RAM then wonder why the game plays like crap.

Add a controller and mouse and keyboard support and you got something spiffy. Still waiting on someone to make a wireless mouse/keyboard capable of the high resolution you get from a wired device. Right now I have USB extension cords strung across my living room and a mouse and keyboard on my ottoman with a high end computer hooked up to a 65" 3d TV.

Comment Re:Why is this a trojan horse and not a virus? (Score 1) 160

close, a trojan doesn't have a replication method classification, a trojan is just a piece of malware that provides a backdoor to your computer. A trojan could be a worm or a virus or just malware.

Come to think of it, viruses in their "true" form are pretty rare now-a-days. Pretty much everything is just straight-up malware/adware or worms. I wonder if it has to do with the fact all programs are at least 32-bit now and don't run machine code directly.

Comment Hmmm (Score 1) 292

I'd file this under "no shit sherlock" but its a grad student getting their conclusion without clearly be trained by a knowledgeable industry insider. Then again, maybe they were just doing research that proved what they already knew. A lot of people know this already and actively implement features to work around these problems. I'd disclose more but um lets just say I can't... :)

That said I'm not aware of any SSDs using more than 2 bits per cell. My understanding is that it's not practical... yet. I see OCZ claims they're going to do it, but its a lot easier to say you're going to do it than to actually do it and provide a reliable drive that isn't going to get RMA'ed in droves. You have to consider the development cost is going to be higher as you pull your hair out trying to prevent customer data loss. Beating the hell out of NAND takes a lot of time.

Comment Have 3d (Score 1) 404

3D is better fit for first person games at the moment. If you have direct control of the camera and the depth properly calibrated you can play for hours. On the other hand if you don't (such as a 3rd person game where the camera tails or moves on its own, or a 3d movie or tv show), your brain probably isn't used to letting someone else move it around and you start to get nauseous. I also have a 3d camcorder and have found I really need to make sure its steady otherwise it'll sicken you pretty quick.

I got addicted to 3d gaming after smashing crates in half-life 2 in 3d. Just glorious. Yeah, I've had 3d for that long.

Comment Re:*Cricket cricket* (Score 1) 318

1) 5 + 4 = 9 kids. Thats quite beyond unsustainable growth

2) FEDERAL TAXES. Social Security taxes aren't counted in that amount and that 80% number is dead wrong unless you count children and the unemployed. After social security I'm paying close to 30% before one-time deductions (maybe more... I haven't done my tax return yet). Social security taxes are capped at $106k and are 4%. Anyways I never said it was his fault, I don't expect him to pony up a donation to the government.

3) Citation needed

4) no comment

5) Ehhh I'm not going to get in a religious argument because my issue transcends their ability to earn income. Really, its the large family sizes that bother me so damn much. We should be shrinking our population to account the for the decrease in demand for labor that technology has brought us, but everytime I see a large family, regardless of religion, I see selfish parents, no matter how their kids are raised. We can't all be like that. Period.

Comment Re:Damn those Mormans! (Score 1) 318

As an individual who's never been a member of the Mormon church, yes, I'll admit it that in the 5 times in my life I had to spell it as opposed to just simply say it, I never realized I was spelling it wrong

I never said it was evil though. Bacteria in a petri dish are self destructive but I don't find them to be evil

Comment Re:*Cricket cricket* (Score 2, Interesting) 318

Yeah he does his job and he has 4 years more experience doing it than these guys do. No sexual scandals. No kick-backs to friends he has in big business. He actually tries to improve things and I agree with him a lot of the time.

Romney's a villain in my eyes. He's a bad example; a person I'd be scared if children looked up to. First, he has a ton of kids. Imagine if we all did that, we'd be overpopulated like china in no time. There'd be so much competition that finding a decent job would be near impossible and quality of life would plummit. Next, he's super rich but pays less taxes than I do (% wise). Ok fine, that's the fault of the system, but what does he do with all that extra money? He donates it. Ok fine, I'm not a fan of donations because I like to see where my money is going, but where does it go? Mostly to the Morman church. The richest church in the United States by capita. So thats like donating to rich uncle pennybags in other words, because they're just going to use that money to build more churches and buy more land to bribe people to join their religion. I'll pretend Mormanism stands equal to all other religions in terms of legitimacy...

Gingrich... bleh

Comment *Cricket cricket* (Score 5, Insightful) 318

Frankly, Obama has done a bang up job and the Republican field is piss poor and is down to a bunch of former losers. The president's job is limited, and that was done on purpose to prevent any man from having too much power. For the most part, it doesn't matter what any candidates aspirations are, because if it goes against the other political bodies it will never happen.

My dad says "Anyone but Obama", but he can't ever seem to remember a good reason why. I can think of several reasons to not vote for both Republican front-runners although honestly the ones that stick out in my mind the most have less to do with their policies and plans and more to do with the kind of people they are.

Comment Boon for salesmen (Score 1) 136

I know someone who (was) married to a guy who's only 26 and he makes six figures selling some sort of medical machine. Apparently he plays video games all the time and is lazy and just works sparingly and travels a few times a month. You have to wonder about how much mark up is on these medical machines if a guy who works only only a few days a week or month with little schooling can earn 6 figures in commissions

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