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Feed Xbox 360's Guitar Hero II axe: now shredding in OS X (engadget.com)

Filed under: Gaming, Peripherals

Ah, the sequence of events is nearly complete. First, we get the Xbox 360 axe rockin' on the console itself, and then comes the inevitable hacks to get it rollin' on Windows, and without further adu, we present the ability to melt those plastic frets on OS X. Thanks to an impressive development from TattieBogle (v0.5), a USB driver which purportedly "allows the use of wired Xbox 360 controllers via USB" on your OS X-based machine is finally available. Apparently, it actually works fairly well to boot, so if you've been pouting over your Mac not being able to enjoy the same face melting Guitar Hero II niceties as the other guys, be sure to hit the read link and get your download on.

[Via Joystiq]

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Comment Re:It has wi-fi give it a browser (Score 1) 82

I agree 100% I tried out the Japanese version a few months back. While I was happy to see that most of the popular pages (YouTube, Slashdot, Gmail) all worked. It was painfully slow to use. I think what made it worse was that it wasn't just the connection speed that was slow, there was a feeling of sluggishness with the entire package. I hope they've improved it for the US launch.

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