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Comment Re:That's quite grueling, actually (Score 2) 111

There is no greater accomplishment in life knowing that you've pushed yourself and -- by extension -- humanity farther than ever before.

Why do people set land speed records? Why do people climb mountains? Why do people develop technology? Sometimes just knowing someone was able to do things like this is inspiration enough to give other people hope and make them willing to try for things they never would have even considered otherwise.

Comment Rail has been electric since the 60s! (Score 2) 238

Rail has been electric since the 60s! Those 3 big columns you see on locomotive engines are capacitors for the diesel electric generator. That stored electricity is then used to drive the wheels.

Trains have been electric for longer than most people on Slashdot have been alive. Adding batteries just reduces their range, increases their downtime, and reduces their efficiency.

Comment Omegle has known this for years (Score 1) 71

This is one of the most appealing parts of Omegle, is getting into conversations like this with people. Contrary to popular belief, it isn't the dudes jerking off on camera, instead it's deep conversations with a stranger that makes Omegle special and what keeps people coming back.

You hear that dudes jerking off on Omegle?! Find somewhere else to jerk off!

Comment Apple's internal policy on bugs is to ignore... (Score 5, Interesting) 64

I used to work at Apple

Apple's internal policy on bugs and security issues is to ignore them as much as possible and rank them by which ones are most likely to get them negative press.
The ones which are the most likely to, or do get them negative press are the ones that get addressed first.

You know how your iPhone always seems to have issues connecting to your car properly? Most people assume that's their car's fault... it's not.. it's your iPhone, but because people blame their car, Apple has not fixed that bug in over a decade, and it gets worse with every release of iOS.

Comment Re:It was never about "kids", it was about $$$ (Score 4, Insightful) 86

Because it's such a useless technology to have, when it can be so easily thwarted, so unreliable, and doesn't stop the creation of new CSAM.

What's the point? I'll tell you want the point is... for them to be able to look at any of your pictures at any time by simply sending a hash to your phone... remember, when the tool flags an image as possible CSAM, it gets sent for human review... that means that your personal photos that get flagged get looked at by another person who could leak them anywhere or do whatever they want with them, even though they aren't CSAM at all. This is super fucked.

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