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Comment Re:Since when was Google Tax Supported? (Score 1) 631

Good question, if I hire a cook at home to make my meals, yet I still pay for the raw food, should I pay taxes on the final product? Is this a case of "Income tax vs. Sales tax"?

Furthermore, if my wife prepares my lunch, should I pay tax over my food after is cooked even though I may have paid taxes at the super market?

And even worse, if I run a charity, and give people food for free, do they have to pay taxes for their food as well?

I still don't understand some taxes. :-(

Comment Re:Linux Boot (Score 2) 572

If you have a license already, why not use it? Use that license to run on a VM. You can run Linux on your host, and you give the guests the possibility of using a "Windows machine" which is only a VM, you can revert to a previous state once they have used it.

The issue is not about getting rid of Windows, is knowing that you very likely paid for a license, so why not put it to use anyways?

Comment Re:Google Real Estate Search (Score 1) 383

While I'm currently sad about Reader, and somewhat afraid of the future of Google voice. I came here to check this.

For the short time it worked, the real estate search was the best service I found. A large comprehensive easy to use, easy to search system to find places for sale and for rent. I agree with you, it's a shame there weren't allowed to compete with the realtor mafia.

Comment Re:Airplane/Photographer hobbyist (Score 1) 387

Just curious here, if a video camera on a tripod (unmanned) or a camera taking time lapse (or 10s timer) shots may fall into this category as well. What about CCTV systems pointing to outdoors of buildings? Are they penalizing distance? Over air? over Internet?

Where do they draw the line?

Comment Re:So What's The Point (Score 1) 199

I have a redirect to my webpage. And I can spoof this using PHP, I've done it before so I can point people to or, they both hit the same index.php on the same system, yet show completely different things, how simpler you think would be to show the same thing instead?

Comment Re:Pathetic. (Score 1) 841

In all fairness:

At the point in time that he claims to have turned the temperature down, he in fact turned the temperature up to 74 F.

This indicates that either the car controls are not intuitive, or that the writer covered the screen with his iPad and looked at it all the time, instead of the actual car information.

I firmly believe the latter, but then again I haven't driven the car. Hey Tesla, I'm up to try one out! :-)

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