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Comment Re:WHy are you majoring in CS... (Score 1) 606

The real solution is for schools to employ people who are competent to teach programming, and for universities to make this a prerequisite, but I doubt that will happen.

I live in Idaho...where I hear that businesses will not move here because of lack of a decent educational system. In the next sentence from business and community hear how not to increase taxes (claim they're too high all ready in a right-to-work state) and give every student a laptop to and force them to get their education by this method. This being the case (where I live in a state where it's still the 1970's without any of the benefits) are the students going to be anywhere close to competent when no one is willing to spend the time and money to make it so? Very simple answer...Americans love education as long as the students "feel great about themselves" and as long as they aren't being taxed for it. Means we're going to have narcissistic brats who can barely walk upright and talk...but they will have great feelings of their self worth.

Comment Re:In other words (Score 1) 623

The only thing that has changed between Ye Olde Sears Catalog and mighty Amazon is the scale and ease at which money is slipping away from the state's grasp AND current budget shortfalls causing states to look anywhere they can for that money.

Very easy way around this is if you have a friend in a no sales tax state like Oregon...get your package shipped there and have your friend deliver it to you. State tax man says uncle sent me a gift...go to his state and collect the sales tax you think you're losing. Without a receipt...declare the value at ten cents and pay your sales tax on that.

I've said it before and will keep saying soon as states quit giving out corporate welfare to their corporate buddies...that's the time I start paying into what I believe is a system which deserves my hard earned money...rather than throwing it away to those who need it the least.

Comment Re:GST (Score 1) 623

You haven't gone down far enough in the food chain yet. It's the local entities who would whine the most about this...since they cry the state/federal governments don't give them their fair schools/parks/roads are crap because community A gets more of the share than community B.

You want to solve this issue about people not paying sales tax on their out-of-state purchases...quit giving away taxes to finance football stadiums for millionaire/billionaire owners. Quit throwing away tax monies on businesses who promise to relocate to your area for 10 years...but leave after two to five years and the taxpayers on on the hook for the bills with nothing to show for it but an empty building. When businesses start paying their share...rather than gaming the system...then come talk to me about my Amazon purchases...if I indeed make them.

Comment Re:Makes sense. (Score 1) 287

Nintendo can come out with a console that will probably outperform the 360 and PS/3 and be cheaper. Now Nintendo can produce a new machine that will out perform the completion and cost less just as the Wii sales start to drop.

For Nintendo to outperform a 360 or going to be a tall order. Here's just a few of the reasons:

1. Never could play DVD's on a Nintendo. I can play DVD's on a 360 and Blu-Rays/DVD's on a PS3.
2. Have not seen Wii controllers I can use on my PC. Wired 360 controllers work without jumping through hoops when plugged in. Wireless receivers will allow my 360 wireless controllers to work on the PC. I can buy PC controllers in either 360 or PS3 button configurations.
3. Microsoft and Sony had hi-def built in for about $50-100 more than a Wii. Can find a new 360 as cheap or cheaper than a Wii.
4. My 360 can interface with any of the PC's in my home through Windows Media Center.
5. Played the Wii for about a week after I got it. Use my 360 several times a week for playing games/watching movies/TV shows on the home network/watching DVD's. Gave my Wii away to get work done on my car and I feel like I got the better end of the deal. Only regret is that Goldeneye isn't out on the 360.
6. The caliber of games on the 360/Xbox/PS3/PS2/PS1/PSP...even the Nintendo legacy systems...leaves the Wii crying in the dust.

The ship Nintendo is chasing has all ready left the dock...the passengers are getting food poisoning and they're waiting for the USS Posidon to rescue them.

Comment Re:what's really going on? (Score 1) 694

It doesn't work that way because you are completely and totally unqualified to be CEO of Goldman Sachs. Believe it or not Slashdot, the guys at the top are usually there for very good reasons. They are not stupid, they are not idiots, and most of them are pretty damn good at what they do.

You're right. Most of the people who do these type of jobs have no morals or ethics...just a drive to screw anything and everything they have to to keep themselves in power and the paychecks they never earned from disappearing.

Myself and many others...I have morals/ethics and care for our fellow man. We will never be rich...but makes it much easier to sleep at night and shave in the morning by being able to look yourself in the mirror.

Comment Re:Boom-years (Score 1) 423

When they started showing car commercials at the beginning of movies, the public certainly wasn't demanding more of that.

I knew there was something missing from DVD rips I've seen. No senseless commercials. Guess I need to figure out how to rip DVD' I add back in 2 hours of commercials to make these greedy bastards happy. I always knew there was something missing from my life by not making them happy to my fullest.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 2) 705

The online nontax phenomenon is a big part of the reason many states are floundering in debt.

This has very little to do with why states are floundering in debt. They thought the gravy train was going to continue forever and head up...up...up. When it didn't and they did not prepare for the day when times are bad...that is what caused this debt problem in the states.

You want to create more revenue in state and federal kill corporate welfare and force businesses to pay their fair share of their tax obligation. Quit giving away any type of tax break. If a business moves there promising a certain amount of jobs...pollutes the area or doesn't live up to their bust them the same as if a normal person were to renege on a deal.

Those businesses and wealthy individuals who believe they are above needing to pay their fair share are the reason this country is in the shape it's in...not individuals paying a few dollars of taxes on an out-of-state purchase. When the corporations and wealthy individuals pay their share...I will pay the "use" tax on any out-of-state internet purchases I might make without the help of a friend in a state with no sales tax.

Comment Re:Terrible idea. (Score 1) 705

Trying to enforce state tax laws at a federal level is a gross overreach of federal jurisdiction.

It will make it harder for me to buy the products which cost me several hundred dollars to save from needing to pay sales tax. In my case...just means either visiting my buddy in Oregon (no sales tax) and buying whatever I want in big ticket items there. Another option...same buddy in Oregon...send him the money for the purchase and to ship it to me. Still be cheaper than the 6% sales tax in Idaho or 9% in Arizona and get to spend time with him in person or over the phone.

Too bad that Idaho and other states with sales tax can't force those with no sales tax to impose this just because I don't believe in paying extortion to states who give away my tax money to businesses who pay reduced or no sales tax.

Comment Re:Uh, don't we maybe NEED that hormone? (Score 1) 404

Been bald since my early 20's (in my late 40's). After discovering that an electric razor doesn't tear my scalp up...I shave at least once a month. Saves me trips to the barber shop...hairbrushes and having to deal with the opposite sex.

I wish I knew where that bald headed lady from the 1st Star Trek movie was now. Be the only way to score some head action!

Comment Re:duh (Score 1) 126

As long as investors care more about quarterly profits than corporate ethics, this type of shit will never stop

Used to work for a former major US OEM company doing phone support about 12 years ago before the bottom fell out of the IT market. I still have nightmares of shipping parts out to addresses on the State Department's Embargo List. You could've lost your job doing it...but it didn't stop other companies from setting up shell companies in other countries and doing business with companies on the list. If I remember right...GE and many other companies were selling Iran and others on the list anything they wanted by going through these shell companies. Looking throughout the history of this see this happening. No wonder the US has always had the reputation of being the biggest gun runners in the world. Some company wants to make money of death and suffering...the US is the place to come to buy whatever you need.

It's not right and these companies/executive boards should be charged with treason and shot...but when you have the government bought and paid for...this is what you get.

Comment Re:GE's response . (Score 1) 436

Sales tax can be gamed too. For one thing, the US still has that Internet sales loophole, which seems to have broad support on Slashdot.

This is not a loophole at all...just a Supreme Court decision which should have put the gag on the states for their tax collections of any out-of-state revenue. If the economy hadn't taken a dive...all the states which are deciding to go after every cent in taxes wouldn't even bother.

I have an idea...with the states still bending over backwards still giving away corporate welfare...they stop this behavior and many people would probably start paying the "use tax". I would...because I don't see why a corporation needs to get a bribe from a state.

Comment Re:Here we go again (Score 0) 344

I think it would be more accurate to say there's a large, often vocal, conservative block in our population that doesn't appreciate satire. [Of course even this refinement is a generalization and isn't strictly true.]

First of all...I wouldn't call this a generalization and untrue at all. The reason is three-fold:

1. They believe a book about one failed nation is the only book you ever need to understand the universe and everything about it in all it is about.
2. They don't understand satire of any type.
3. When you and everyone you will associate with believes they all are "legends in their own minds"...your world is a big/bad place where you have no business dictating anything about it at all. For that can't even have a coherent thought worth thinking.

Comment Capture the Babe... (Score 2) 344

"... when you grab the other team's babe, she sometimes 'freaks out.' The solution? Give her a gentle smack."

Reminds me of a quote from Sean Connery from his James Bond days..." just have to hit a woman."

Personally...I think you should have to find a roll of duct tape to be able to take with you. That way...when you get can duct tape her hands/feet together and put a strip across her mouth. Takes care of her fighting and keeps her quiet. What more can a man ask for...a submissive woman who can't gripe at you.;)

Comment Re:Nintendo and pricing (Score 2) 310

If you sell more games, you keep people using their Wiis. And if you keep people using their Wiis, they will buy more games for it. Sony managed to achieve that virtuous circle on the PS2, but despite their installed base lead, Nintendo haven't managed it this generation.

Bought a Wii about 6 months before I got my 360 Arcade. Loved the bowling game and some of the used Gamecube games like NCAA Football 2005 and such. The problem was I bought an HDTV and discovered that no matter what I wanted...the Wii would never be HD. On the other 360 was right out of the box with an HDMI cable I got online.

Up to the current time...traded my Wii for some major car work to a buddy who love his broken Gamecube. Don't miss it...except for the updated Goldeneye. The 360...I still play with it everyday or several times a week. It's HD...can watch TV through the DVD/AVI/MP4 movies on it and still get fantastic looking games for it.

Comment Re:Won't be an issue for disc games (Score 1) 310

The console makers set the licensing fee that publishers pay per disc, AFAIK it's a flat fee, so disc games will never be $1. Do you think Wal-Mart would bother stocking $1 games?

With the amount of people that congregate around the $5 DVD crate and willing to buy several older titles...they would if the suppliers would provide the titles. With the $10 selling of old titles on the shelves next to the $30-60 throw $5 old console titles in a bin...they wouldn't be able to keep it stocked. Too many times I've been in Wal-Mart and seen that bin over half empty and see it full in the next day or two.

Don't believe me about old games that will sell at bargain prices...I see ads on Craigslist and in the paper of parents looking for old consoles like the 8-bit/16-bit Nintendo for their kids to play on. If there wasn't a market...why have I seen these retro dual-slot Nintendo consoles? I even own a Gameboy color I buy games for at pawn shops...along with an Atari Flashback I bought about 10 years ago.

If Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft had it their way...they would force old units into the trash heap to keep their newer consoles selling for a higher cost. You're the only game in can charge whatever you want. They're actually no better than drug dealers in trying to keep their profits up anyway possible.

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