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Comment Re:Not like Thomas Edison (Score 1) 692

Yes: lightbulb. Also: Phonograph (or proto-iPod if you prefer)!

The comparison to Apple in the summary also breaks down when you consider the fact that some of the companies started by Thom Edison are still in existence in some form (GE, various Edison power companies, etc.) Not a good example for "lose the visionary and the company will fail."

Comment "Should" is not the question (Score 1) 772

I think the gender issue is really a non-issue. Good writers could make a plausible explanation (though some fans will still complain) and a compelling character.

Considering that both Colin Baker and Peter Capaldi played supporting characters on the show before taking The Doctor role, I'm sure we could find some past supporting female actors up to the task. My suggestions in order of preference:

  1. Raquel Cassidy (Miranda Cleaves in "The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People")
  2. Helen McCrory (Rosanna Calvierri in "Vampires of Venice")
  3. Sophie Okonedo (Liz 10 in "The Beast Below")
  4. Amara Karan (Rita in "The God Complex")

BTW, does anyone remember the campaign for a female Boba Fett? The site is gone, but here it is on the Wayback Machine.

Comment Re:Costs more to do less = Dead at the start (Score 2) 33

From the article:

...method for making the materials may not be as energy efficient and cost effective as for other adsorbents...

Conclusion - its dead before its even starts.

Right, because no one has ever figured out how to make a chemical process more energy efficient or cost effective before.

Comment Re:Amateur Hobbyists (Score 1) 93

...I wasn't really a fan of the "Old" Google Reader. I liked the "New" Google Reader better, so when I found InoReader - I was thrilled.

Thanks for the tip. I was in the same boat. It took me about 10 seconds to transfer the OPML file from my account on TheOldReader. (Much smoother than the transition from Google Reader to tOR).

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