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Comment Re:Interesting (Score 1) 374

Wrong. The percentage of income spent on food, housing, clothing, etc. has been declining for at least 30 years. What has happened is that US consumers have traded that decline in prices for more luxurious goods: Average house size is up ~ 50% since 1980, consumers eat more expensive foods, they eat out more often, they drive cars that are larger and fancier, etc.

Comment Re:Interesting (Score 1) 374

His math is actually a little bit off, but when it comes to wealth, anyone that lives in the US is in the top ~12% of the world. Meeting physiological needs takes a tiny fraction of the average US income, which makes it less likely that high Gini coefficients will actually lead to unrest. The US Gini coefficient is 40 (equivalent to the whole of the EU BTW), but the IPF is essentially 99%.

Comment Re:Apples and Oranges (Score 0) 272

If the real issue with education is parents, then why the fuck do we have these continual rants that society's failure to pay teachers more is leading to the decline of western civilization? If it sounds like I'm ranting, well, I am. I'm fucking tired of the teachers unions trying to have it both ways: "Why do you hate education?" when we won't pay them more and "Blame Johnny's parents" when we do and it doesn't amount to shit. I understand that they're trying to do right for their members -- that's their job. But for FSM's sake, don't wrap that shit in a giant appeal-to-emotion.

Comment Re:Simple solution (Score 1) 730

One of the problems that a flat tax solves is "moral hazard". People who don't feel any pain continually vote themselves larger and larger shares of the treasury with calls to pass the cost on to the "rich" (conveniently defined as someone who makes more than they do*) As to the regressive nature of such a tax, it's only regressive in the absence of a social safety net. If the social safety net includes food assistance, housing assistance, transportation assistance and medical care then much of what's left over isn't really for necessities. *You can see this in action whenever the topic of how much money is returned to states out of the amount they pay in federal taxation. All of a sudden people who are normally for progressive taxation get all worked up about not getting back all their federal tax dollars.

Comment Re:Sun's identity platform (Score 1) 76

My employer bought a license for a Sun product that was dumped in favor of the Oracle version (Java CAPS). JCAPS is barely on life support @ Oracle -- they're committed to bug fixes and that's it. There will be no additional features, and the really cool stuff, like Fuji, that was promised "real soon now" is gone along with the talent that worked on it. As a result, we've foregone support and saved about $30k/year.

On the other hand, ForgeRock has taken the core of JCAPS (OpenESB) and is working on delivering the stuff that Sun had previously committed to.

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