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Comment Re:Dangerous reading. (Score 2, Insightful) 464

Just because it happened historically doesn't mean that it's still happening, or that it was the main thrust of the functioning of that religion in the past.

The Catholic church's genocidal position on condom use is happening right now and is a core part of the religion.

The net censorship in Australia is driven by religious ideology. Bad ideas are religion's gift that just keeps on giving.

Comment Re:Story available... (Score 1) 433

Since when has any member of the Murdoch media empire ever engaged in "Quality journalism".

My understanding is that his father Keith Murdoch

was actually a quality journalist whose actions helped to bring attention of the gross mismanagement of Australian troops in the first world war.

He passed on the news limited shares that Rupert used to build the empire. So arguably there was a quality journalist among the Murdoch media empire membership.

Comment Re:Google should be scared (Score 1) 560

Mmmm. "naked women" shows up images largely of just that but "naked japanese women" shows up pretty much everything but what you'd expect.

Bing also failed me in my quest for "naked italian women" but it did turn up a picture of someone underwater which could possibly have been a naked Italian woman under the Santa suit.

Either Microsoft feel that it's not appropriate for me to choose the ethnicity of my naked women or they've got some tuning left to do.


Australian Government Backing Down On Censorship 116

Combat Wombat sends the news that the government in Australia has begun waffling on whether country-wide Internet censorship will be mandatory. "The Rudd Government has indicated that it may back away from its mandatory Internet filtering plan. Communications Minister Stephen Conroy today told a Senate estimates committee that the filtering scheme could be implemented by a voluntary industry code. ... [The shadow communications minister] said he had never heard of a voluntary mandatory system. ... Senator Conroy's statement is a departure from the internet filtering policy Labor took into the October 2007 election to make it mandatory for ISPs to block offensive and illegal content." The censorship plan, which has been called "worse than Iran," was bypassed even before trials started. A minister's defection may have effectively blocked any chance of implementation.

Comment Re:How It Went Down (Score 1) 207

I've never actually installed Oracle so I'm genuinely curious as to why installing something that's "Enterprise" oriented should be difficult.

I appreciate that more work might go into tuning your hardware/OS to make it hum, but "sensible defaults" seem to work elsewhere. Why not provide an easy install that you then optimize?

Comment Re:How long will it take people to learn? (Score 2, Insightful) 211

Ok, in all seriousness. What evidence do you have for making the claim that your laws are based on Christian morality?

It makes no more sense than saying that the rules on the school bus are based on Christian Morality.

  • No sticking your arms out the window
    Because God doesn't like it
  • No sticking chewing gum under the seats
    Because Jesus died for your sins

but you might remember "Thou shalt not commit murder"

The reason that there's a law against killing people is because people don't like being killed. They don't need a deity to tell them that if they don't discourage killing people that they're more likely to be killed themselves.

Laws against sodomy are definately based on Christian morality.

Any laws against sodomy your country has almost certainly stem from religious bigotry. Unsurprisingly, they're among the most useless and harmful.

Comment Re:Censoship? (Score 4, Insightful) 211

If one managed to censor 100% of all child pornography without affecting anything else, there wouldn't be much complaint.

Well there should be. If one managed to prevent the production of such material then I would not complain.

You seem to be buying into the idea that this is about protecting children. Or at least the bizarre idea that it's ok for children to be abused as long as we don't accidentally tune into it.

What's becoming increasingly clear is that it is not about protecting children. It is about enforcing views and most of those views appear to stem from theological rather than rational origins.

Comment Re:They never took part in the trial anyway (Score 2, Interesting) 77

Any society that feel the need to implement censorship in order to 'function' is already badly broken and censorship will only prolong the suffering and delay the inevitable, making it unavoidable.

Whilst I completely agree with you, you've just given me an insight into what it must be like to be an Iranian or a citizen of Oklahoma.

I doubt that most Australians agree with this legislation. Actually, I think that most haven't thought about it enough to see the seriousness of it. But that's really the point. The filter in its current form has not been put to the electorate for a vote.

Comment Re:And who cares, anyway? (Score 1) 336

I have copies of Bolt and Quantum of Solace. Neither are out on DVD yet. Yes, I admit that they are pirated copies acquired through less than noble means. I had no intention of ever seeing either movie

Do you only download movies that you have no intention of seeing?

Don't bother to respond. I only ask questions if I don't care what the answer is.

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