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Comment Re:They only ask important questions (Score 2) 172

Your sarcasm may be more spot-on than you think. Government agencies often ask outlandish questions to pinpoint odd personality traits that you would think would have nothing to do with the job or national security. One of the lie-detector questions (I've been told) is "Have you ever had sex with an animal?".

You might be surprised how many people fail that.

Comment Re:Root problem (Score 2, Interesting) 236

The problem with this metagovernment system you reference is that the average person does not adequately understand our legal code well enough. This is the reason America is more of a republic. It was thought that electing "elite" officials who have our interests at heart but more direct knowledge of law would make better law makers.

If you live in state that allows referendums this concept becomes very apparent. I consider myself a well informed, educated individual. I've taken many business law classes and I write my own business contracts yet I still struggle to understand some of the legal code in the New Jersey referendums I've read. Even the dumbed-down translation they provide can be confusing to the average person.

Comment Re:But if he doesn't patent it... (Score 5, Informative) 325

RTFA. In the next paragraph Geim talks about what the guy from the electronics company meant. Patents only work if they are for specific devices or processes. Since graphene hasn't been use in any practical real-world solutions yet, there's really nothing to patent at this stage. The company that develop devices and uses for Graphene will end up filing more specific and enforceable patents.

He wasn't necessarily knocking the system.

Comment Re:False (Score 3, Insightful) 366

That and the fact that T-Mobile was the only reasonable carrier. What they failed to do was negotiate a contract with Verizon. I would have bought one in a heart beat if I didn't have to switch to T-mobile with minimal 3G coverage. Alas, such a deal wasn't favorable for Verizon who prefers to lock down all their hardware.

Comment Test for knowledge of two things (Score 1) 453

OOP techniques and security. The biggest benefit of LAMP is it's flexibility. You can literally weave 3 languages together in one page. That is also it's biggest downfall if people don't know how to structure a large application and use proper security techniques to prevent SQL injections and XXS attacks.

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