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Comment Re:Not exactly... (Score 1) 258

You do that once (as a new idealistic developer), get your ass fired and never do it again. The managers are probably friends with someone high up. You probably ain't. And developing things on that level is not about competence, it's all about politics.

Comment Re:True that (Score 1) 551

Amen to that. I'm in that situation for two years now, and seriously considering raping my predecessor's face with a chainsaw.

In my experience, duct tape programmers come in two kinds: a project lead who thinks along the lines of "Oh, I was in my previous life a dba, I can do everything myself and they just have to work with what I give them without complaining because I get payed more" and the "oh hi, I am an ex-marketing guy and I know some vba so I obviously know how to program in .net"

Comment Re:LINUX INSIDE! (Score 1) 442

Yeah. I've got to talk (and work) with some marketing girls & boys: they're good at what they do. Some of them are (comparatively speaking) better marketers than I am a software developer. And they are responsible for your paycheck (if your company doesn't sell anything they don't have money to pay you) so before throwing the whole "omg marketeers suck lulz" tantrum try and talk to them. They might just be nice human beings after all.

Comment Re:Make sure you're clear on what you want to do (Score 1) 178

True about the not lasting long, but mine was a bad example: I think if I made a page about some obscure subject (that was Wikipedia-viable) the people coming to the wikipedia page would receive wrong information, and since it takes a long time (I think) for the editors to notice & fix the obscure pages the damage may have already been done.

Comment Re:Make sure you're clear on what you want to do (Score 1) 178

And if i remember correctly there isn't any "fact" checking in the references either. I can make a page saying I rule the universe and wikipedia will gladly accept it as a source (unless, of course, someone removes it as an unreliable source - but if you're learning about the subject you don't know what is reliable/unreliable ...)

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