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Comment Re:"Power Users"? I don't think so... (Score 2, Insightful) 727

"Nobody will argue with me when i say that there are tangible benefits to switching to linux and linux based apps for 80% of what a user does on a computer"

Oh really? I have tried a number of distros on several laptops over the years, most recently the last 4 incarnations of Ubuntu. I grew heartily sick and tired of things working (yay!) then breaking on the next update (boo!).

I switched back to Vista because it was reasonably reliable, and I could run all of my apps with no trouble. Recently switched to Windows 7, and I can't see myself ever going through distro hell again.
Please be careful with broad statements like "nobody".

Comment Re:Now If We Could Just Get ... (Score 1) 485

This is anecdotal, I know, but I have a DELL XPS M1330, came with Vista. I just installed Windows 7 and everything worked perfectly, I didn't have to install any drivers.
BTW, it's Intel WIRED NIC and Broadcomm WIRELESS, at least on my laptop.
There is some fairly interesting hardware involved (DELL Webcam, Fingerprint scanner) and everything, absolutely everything works perfectly. I am amazed.

Comment Re:Yes (Score 1) 1077

SAP. Definitely not obscure. Everything is in German. All of the column names in the database are 5 letter German abbreviations of the particular entity. BUKRS = Company for example. All of the comments in the ABAP code are in German. I've picked up quite a lot of German from working on SAP, which isn't a bad thing. Cheers

Comment Re:To the extent that they lightened the DRM load: (Score 1) 226

That reminds me of a Commodore 64 program I bought that required the manual. It wasn't a thick manual, but it was black print on red paper! Impossible to photocopy. From memory, it required the user to enter a single word from a specific line on a specific page of the manual when you loaded it. Personally, I think this was a great way to protect the product, with minimal fuss for the legit user. Cheers.

Comment Re:Just boycott the asses pleases (Score 1) 339

"The problem we now have, and it's a hugely problematic problem, is that the government is going to use this legislation as a bargaining chip to push through it's economic stimulus plan."

You got it in one. The two independants (Xenophon and Fielding) have WAY too much power in the senate, and that spineless bastard Rudd (BTW, I voted Labour, too) will do -anything- to appease them. There is something seriously wrong when 1 or 2 people can wield so much power.

Can anyone tell me a country I can move to where personal freedom is respected? Seriously?

Comment Re:But if they don't include IE... (Score 1) 364

Hear hear! All the effing hypocritical whingers here -demand- , nay, -insist- on freedom of choice, well, Microsoft is one of those choices, believe it or not. Grow up, get a life, pick the OS you want, and stop trying to stuff open source down our throats. THAT is restriction of choice.

Comment Re:Oh yea, we'll test it really hard. (Score 1) 364

Hmmm. I use Linux at home, but at work I am a Windows Admin. I was given the task of automating a procedure to synchronise (whole CRUD thing, really) Active Directory from a CSV file FTP'ed daily from a SAP user store. ie create security groups, add / delete users, etc. I wrote a Powershell script to do it, ended up ~40 lines of script, probably less, as I used a lot of white space and comments to make it maintainable. I tried Python first, BTW, as I was familiar with it, but to me it was not a natural fit for the problem. Long story short, Powershell is THE way to administer Windows server - eg Exchange server since 7 has used PS exclusively for admin, and MS has indicated that all server functions (except maybe SharePoint, but - meh) will use PS as the primary admin tool. Cheers!

Submission + - WPA bug in Vista, is that a security problem? ( 1

Anonymous Coward writes: "Many people, such as me-said-the-idiot, or maybe all, cannot connect to a WPA protected WiFi network with Vista. So many will have to use an unsecured network configuration in order to go online. Practically all new PC laptops sold now are bundled with Vista, so this could well become the biggest and easiest to exploit security leak.. Many posts on MS forum PostID=481371&SiteID=17 but apparently it still isn't considered a problem by MS.."

Submission + - Converting from XP to Ubuntu ( 1

madgreek writes: "Here is a short story about my switch to Ubuntu from XP at work. I have been Microsoft free for 3 months now at a Microsoft heavy shop. Few people know I am using Open Office and Linux. I create countless documents that people open using Word, Excel, PPT and nobody can tell that they were created using Open Office. pen-source-and-microsoft-free-17339"

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