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Comment Re:Protective Sleeve (Score 1) 251

I can confirm this as well. My fiance just got a passport (received in the mail two days ago) and it came with neither a sleeve nor any kind of warning that this kind of attack was possible and needed to be guarded against.

Three cheers for the brilliance of modern man. We can make tiny chips that transmit information from several feet away, but we can't figure out how to make "basic security procedures" work.

Comment Re:Capacity is hardly news anymore (Score 2, Interesting) 283

Ditto on this...Had really bad experiences with Hitachi and Western Digital. Swore by Maxtor for a while in the early-90's, and then a got several in a row that died within 2 years. Never used a samsung, but I've been sticking with seagate for about 15 years now, and they are incredibly reliable. testament to reliability: with only a little care and maintenance, I have now gone a whopping 12(!!!!) years with out losing a single byte of important data. The only problem for me actually is 12 years without information loss, you really do accumulate a massive amount of data. Even with regularly cleaning out unneeded data and archiving stuff I don't need instant access to, I've managed to fill 2/3rds of my 1TB storage drive already.

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