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Comment The last thing I'd trust Spammerforce to do (Score 1) 24

is make any kind of health care decision.

Jackasses at spammerforce got into the spam for hire game a few years back, and started blasting my mail server with bullshit.

They also bought the Exact Target spam group, which has been a dirty spammer for hire group for many many years.

Firewall em and forget em.

Comment complete waste of taxpayer money and time (Score 0) 33

so some shit for brains Federal prosecutor, who as a group, are notoriously power hungry, completely unethical, and have a long and rich history of malicious prosecutions, decides to bring charges against some GRU agents.

1. any asshole prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict anyone for anything. The old saying is that you can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.

2. there is ZERO chance any of the GRU agents are ever brought to US custody. I guarantee that Putin and friends give all of these guys ironclad false ID's the second they retire from the GRU.

3. Even if by some miracle the feds snatch the GRU agents...Don't you think Putin wouldn't grab some American tourists or businessmen in Russia, hit them with similar bullshit charges, and then offer the feds to do a prisoner swap ?

4. How long do you think it is before other countries start indicting CIA, FBI, and NSA agents for similar stunts?

Comment Re:stupid commies (Score 1) 87

Reminds me of the stupid encryption rules with web browsers in the USA back in the 90's. Everyone ignored it, and downloaded whatever the hell they wanted. You could find thousands of FTP sites with the full encryption versions of IE and Netscape, and no naggy questions to ask before downloading it.

I am sure Chinese net users have no problems downloading non crippled versions of Firefox and Chrome.

Comment Re:Wireguard based VPN's for the win (Score 3, Insightful) 103

To be fair, their legal system is "You've pissed us off, now we hang you".

What is going to piss them off more? Using a VPN and they don't know what you're looking at, or visiting some innocent site (i.e. Western news site) that pisses them off?

Since there are SO many business reasons to be on a VPN, I would suspect if you're connected to a VPN and get questioned about it, there's a chance you will be able to say it was "for business" and they might accept that.

Or they might shoot you regardless. Never can tell with communists.

Comment Friends don't let friends... (Score 2, Insightful) 253

use browsers that are tied into the OS. I.E. Safari and Edge.

Your browser should be a completely independent application with no special privileges, that is kept up to date regardless of the OS. Both Apple and M$ are quick to abandon the browser when they upgrade to a new version of the OS.

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