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Comment Re:This Is Actually Terrible News (Score 1) 31

Well, they obviously aren't all using U2F keys.


“We have had no reported or confirmed account takeovers since implementing security keys at Google,” the spokesperson said. “Users might be asked to authenticate using their security key for many different apps/reasons. It all depends on the sensitivity of the app and the risk of the user at that point in time.”


I use a U2F key with google. Not seeing much of a way around it. However, with Facebook, I believe you can skip the U2F key if you have another device logged in to FB and you approve the new login from the already logged in device.

Comment Re:At the risk of sounding like my parents, (Score 2) 256

The real problem is, there is too much (new) good music. I can say, if I had access to Youtube when I was in high school, I would have been in heaven. However, when I had a "album" in high school, I played it until I wore it out. There is so much good music on YT that even when I find a fantastic song today, I may only listen to it once or twice. Every week so much new stuff is dropping that it is possible to only listen to something new every day. It's great for me.

However, for an artist, just getting to someone listen to your great song one or two times isn't exactly a great business model.

Comment Re:Why does it require a new clinical trial? (Score 1) 82

The flu vaccine just flips between a couple of strains that have been around for a long time. They have no clue which strain will be dominant for a year, they just take a guess. If you look up how effective the flu vaccine actually is, it isn't very. Not saying high risk people shouldn't take it, but there is a pretty good chance it won't do anything for you in any given year.

The COVID vaccine uses a fairly different approach (mRNA). It probably should be monitored a little closer.

And just FYI, there is a new "old-school" COVID-19 vaccine that doesn't use mRNA and is patent free approved for use in India right now. It was developed in Texas.

Comment Worked all morning on this issue. (Score 1) 18

Spent all morning on just this issue. I use LTE for my home Internet right now and I thought the cell company had put some filtering or something in to block VPNs. Didn't think a lot of it at first, but I got to thinking it was kind of funny that ATT and Verizon would both start blocking L2TP VPNs both at the exact same time. Turns out it was a Windows issue. For right now, I rolled back the patch. The new patch standalone was 225 Mb and at this very moment, my Internet is kind of sketchy. It's kind of funny I can watch an hour long movie on youtube and it hardly buffer, but a big file might take me half a day, because it will fail right in the middle of it.

You can roll back with
        Windows 10: wusa /uninstall /kb:5009543
        Windows 11: wusa /uninstall /kb:5009566

From an elevated command prompt.

Comment runners high (Score 2) 175

Of course, you can create your own cannabinoids:


And they may actually help against COVID...maybe, but maybe not for the cannabinoids:

More exercise means less risk of developing severe Covid, according to a compelling new study of physical activity and coronavirus hospitalizations. The study, which involved almost 50,000 Californians who developed Covid, found that those who had been the most active before falling ill were the least likely to be hospitalized or die as a result of their illness.

Source = New York Times.

Comment Re:This seems unclear (Score 1) 32

I understand the need for CORS, but I wish there were some more friendly options for developers. I've been attempting to up my skills in the javascript/Web API department. I spent more time the first few days fighting with CORs than I did writing code. You can get plugins and turn CORs off in Firefox and Chrome, but no matter the settings, Firefox will disable the plugin every time you start up Firefox.

I wish Firefox and Chrome had a developer mode that understood that I'm OK with connecting to localhost:58315, regardless of the headers. That can't be that hard and I don't really understand how a local whitelist for localhost servers is any kind of security issue.

And then, playing with some Web APIs, I have some copy/paste code that works just fine, and everything about them says it should be violating the CORs policy, and yet they work. ?

Comment Re:What's the problem? (Score 1) 65

Yeah, I won't pretend to know all the laws here, but try and use a photo of the Three Stooges that was taken in public on some "art". I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that there may be a little more to it if you are in public and maybe famous. Not sure how famous the people in question are...

It's also legal to record a cover of any song, but if you hire a sound alike singer to make a cover that sounds too close to the original, you can get sued and lose some money. Just ask Ford about that, who just made a cover of a song after negotiations with the original artist fell through.

So legal isn't always clear cut.

Comment Re:If only it was reliable. (Score 2) 48

Yeah, sometimes I search for solutions to a programming issue I'm having, and if you click on more than three or four results google returns, they will throw you to the captcha for unusual activity. This is exactly why I use DDG about 95% of the time now. However, if I'm on a deep dive and I don't think DDG is returning everything out there, I will fall back to google. Also, I find google image search to be much better than DDG image search.

Where I will give google cudos. If your bandwidth is a little limited, out of every streaming service I have ever used, Youtube is the most consistent and usable when things are running slow. They must get all the good programmers.


Comment Re:Sometimes you have to love Social Media. (Score 1) 424

I recommend Humankind: A Hopeful History, By: Rutger Bregman , Erica Moore , Elizabeth Manton, too. It actually has some good background info on the Stanford prison experiment. I'm not saying it was all a fraud, but there was a lot of things that shouldn't have been done in a legit experiment.

I guess the bottom line would be trying to reproduce the results, but experiments like that are pretty hard to do these days...

Comment Sue the right people (Score 1) 44

If I was a local paper and wanted to sue someone for a drop in ad revenue, I would sue Craigslist. The nerve of those guys just giving ads away (mostly).

OK, outside of Craigslist, the real reason newspapers have a loss of revenue is the fact that they fired all their reporters and just ran AP articles as a way to maximize profits. Now you can find almost all of those AP articles online, so there is no need for the local newspapers.

So there you go, don't offer anything anyone needs, don't make money.

Comment It's hard to compete (Score 3, Insightful) 8

It's hard to compete against people that have unlimited amounts of money. Try being a wireless ISP and having to buy bandwidth from the same company you are competing against. Or, try and lease tower space from one of the companies you are competing against.

I'm in mid-size town and a company here is trying to get into fiber. As soon as they started making plans, suddenly the phone company here is going to start offering fiber.

Comment Re:Two or three cups a day (Score 3, Informative) 62

A six-year study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, examined the intake of sugary drinks and fruit juice in 13,440 adults in the US over the age of 45 years.

Those who drank a 12 oz (350 ml) glass of juice daily had a 24% greater chance of dying during the study, compared to an 11% rise among those drinking any sugary soft drink daily.

“These findings suggest that consumption of sugary beverages, including fruit juices, is associated with all-cause mortality. Well-powered and longer-term studies are needed to inform their association with CHD mortality risk,” the study concluded.

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