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Comment Re:Nice excuse (Score 1) 181

This is like the worst excuse ever. How can they release a software product and not have the source code?? It's not like you can compile flow charts into usable software before you finish writing the code. If the code compiles fine, it's just a matter of publishing it (you don't even have to make it pretty). Any takes on the matter?


Game Development On Android 211

Gamasutra is running an article about the state of game development on Android. The author explains some of the strengths and weaknesses of the platform, and makes comparisons to development on the iPhone. Quoting: "While iPhone apps are written in Objective C, the Android SDK uses relatively more programmer-friendly Java. The iPhone store charges developers $99 a year to distribute their apps, while Android has a one-time $25 fee for developers. And the review process for iPhone apps grows increasingly lengthy — sometimes weeks or more — and it's somewhat arcane. Android apps go live as soon as the developer hits the publish button. Google handles the review process post-hoc, and is much more lax in terms of content. ... For now, if a developer decides to implement a game exclusively for a particular smartphone platform, and the choice is between the iPhone and Android, the tradeoff is between trying to get noticed in an incredibly crowded and competitive market where the potential payoff is huge for those at the top, or entering a market with low barriers, little competition, currently low returns, but the possibility of potential growth."

Comment Re:If you don't see a problem with that, (Score 1) 454

Hey Sparrow, if you think IDing yourself is the same as "being tracked" or having to prove you are innocent of any given crime, you have issues buddy. I just said it as an example, as i, for one, have never had to proof my identity to the police, but if they required me to do it, i'd do it. That retarded way of thinking of yours is why there are so many problems of identity theft in the US, and so very very little here in Spain. I'll stick with our way of doing things. Thank you very much

Comment Re:Interesting Discussion (Score 4, Funny) 346

That reminded me of the times I played Lemmings in my 386. Whenever i got bored or frustrated I would just put two lemmings in "guard" mode right where they came out into the level, and after getting them all packed into the 3 or 4 pixels left between the guards, I would hit the suicide button and watch all of those lemmings blow up. It was like fireworks! Pretty fireworks!

Comment Re:Outstanding. (Score 1) 454

It might be so in the US or UK or wherever your are from, but in Spain everybody over eighteen is obligated to carry our national id (DNI) or similar. If you don't they have every right to take you "downtown" and verify your identity. I don't see the problem in proving you are who you say you are. Example:
COP: Afternoon sir, We are looking for a known serial killer named xxxx. May I see your ID?
RANDOM PERSON: No, but my name is yyyy, I'm not xxxx.
COP: Ok, thank you sir. Good day.

If you don't see a problem with that, you should go back to your cabin, Unabomber.

Comment What I just don't get (Score 2, Insightful) 647

The thing about drug-testing (not alcohol) for driving purposes that always leaves me wondering is: how the they know I'm positively high? Maybe I shared a joint a month ago with my buddies, and since THC is fat-soluble it lasts longer than any other controlled substance in your system. Maybe it doesn't last for so long in your saliva, but still there should be a threshold just like there is with alcohol ( >0.23 = your are busted, 0.23 = you can go now). How do they legally state that you are not ok to operate a motor vehicle?? In my opinion the only way to assess this would be by legalizing, and then restricting. This way it's just nuts.

Comment Re:The Fans DID Notice It Though (Score 2, Funny) 198

Half of the joke is only seen when you hover over the cartoon.

Man..., after all this time following xkcd, and i just learned that from you (I wondered what you meant, and i just checked it with monday's strip). I wonder what i've been missing all this time (not gonna recheck them). I guess i'll wait until i buy the book and hope they use the hover-over text as a bottom note.
  I feel dumb. And judging by your +5 Informative, i'm not the only one who learnt something today.

Comment Re:As opposed to the current generation.. (Score 0) 177

IThe problem with the PS3 is not that it doesn't have software but ...

Let me stop you right there. The reason why the PS3 is not dominating the market is completely software related. It's related to the fact that you can't pirate PS3 games (hooray DRM!!). The very same reason why they made it so big with their first console (pirating games for the original PlayStation was the greatest selling point of their platform) is the reason they are not dominating right now. I noticed this a while back while thinking about purchasing a new console. If you do the math, xbos360 and a few pirate games totally wins over the PS3 and 50+ euros per game.
Just my 2 cents.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 711

Seeing the results, it's obvious where most readers live. Me, I prefer CEE 7/16, which is the usual socket where I'm living right now (Spain), and I guess most of Europe. The French kind is the same but it's earth with a rod instead of a side connector, which makes it impossible to connect upside down. That's why I prefer CEE 7/16, the freedom; it's also very tough.

Disclaimer: I had to search the names in wikipedia to see which one was which.

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