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Comment Re:Erosion of the Commons (Score 1) 544

Speaking of Baltimore, I had scarce been living here a year when I got arrested for this very thing. There's a badly designed intersection in my neighborhood that has resulted in the deaths of too many, and I document them to protest to the city to put in turn signals. This particular wreck was very bloody and messy, and both my fiancée and myself were taking pictures of the scene. Immediately two fat cops came running over telling us we couldn't take pictures because it "makes our cameras evidence." We were told if we deleted them we might be "allowed" to leave. I told them they were full of it and that I knew my rights. There's no way taking pictures of a wreck on public property is illegal (and I didn't take any pictures of any dead people, just the wreckage, they were gone before I got there). I even explained the purpose of these photos. One cop said if I didn't delete them in front of her, she'd arrest me, confiscate my phone, break it, and then release me without charges. She did just that. I filed many complaints, talked to lawyers, but she didn't break the law so I'm told.

There were tons of news people there recording the scene. There was a large towering apartment building with people taking pictures up there, but I guess harassing two young 20 somethings enforcing fictional laws is less work for the Baltimore police.

Comment Re:Thank god (Score 0) 1452

Okay, I'm sorry. The GPL is THE most restrictive "open source" license out there. I figured what I meant was obvious to anyone who had a neuron or two floating around upstairs. Compare the GPL to any other nonproprietary license and it is by far the most restrictive. The GPL has always been about taking rights away, not adding them.

Comment Re:Apple Always Screws Up the Supply Chain (Score 1) 327

My kingdom for a mod point. How stupid are people? If Android devices sold out like this you can bet your ass you'd never hear conspiracy theories like this. It'd just be because people want the damn things. People just have to invent reasons why products they dislike are massively successful despite their dislike for them.

Comment Re:Comment by S. LeBeau Kpadenou (Score 1, Interesting) 1452

Why do people think RMS had anything to do with making Linux popular? Linux shouldn't even really be popular, it's inferior in almost every way to pretty much every other open sourced Unix implementation (which Linux is not, by the way).

Did RMS put computers into the hands of the public? No. That alone outshines anything RMS has done. Steve Jobs wasn't a super hero, but RMS is just some lonely crackpot that should probably be in a mental institution. RMS isn't anywhere near a genius. The guy's a raving lunatic.

There are plenty of C compilers that are nicer than GCC. In fact, GCC is pretty awful. Writing a front-end is a nightmare, and writing a backend is the definition of hell. The machine code it outputs tends to be very much godawful as well. I use LLVM / clang for all my needs. GCC isn't even installed on any of my computers. In fact, not a single piece of GNU software is, because I despise the GPL, which is actually the most restrictive open source license in existence.

I'm prepared to be modded into oblivion because the people here on Slashdot are mostly groupthink monkies. I came to this article thinking that perhaps some of the smart people here on Slashdot would chew into RMS for being such a self-important asshole, but instead everyone just agrees with him because Steve Jobs had the audacity to create easily usable products that everyone, except nerds that insist on controlling every single aspect of everything they own, wants. Get real, no one in the real world cares about that shit. They just want things that work. Apple delivers.

I'm by every definition a geek that likes to poke and prod at everything, and having spent a significant amount of time with Android, webOS, and iOS devices, there's absolutely no way I'd ever choose an Android device for a normal person. WebOS was great, but it's sadly mostly dead now. Every non-geek I know that bought an Android phone did it because they didn't want to switch to AT&T. As soon as the iPhone came to Verizon, they swapped those babies in as fast as they could. Now that it's also coming to Sprint, I'm seeing it happen all over again.

Claiming that RMS has the vision to accomplish anything that Steve Jobs did is ridiculous. He's just a crotchety old man that's stuck in his ways and for whom nothing is good enough. The crazy son of a bitch browsers web sites with an email script that strips out everything but text just to make sure he absolutely doesn't download anything that might be considered IP. Visionary? Please.

Comment Re:Its time... (Score 1) 1452

What does Apple have to do with the Foxconn worker suicides? Much less Steve Jobs himself? Foxconn makes products for tons of companies, Apple is just the only one you hear about. All you Android weenies probably own a phone made by Foxconn (or some other for-all-intents-and-purposes identical Chinese company).

Comment Re:Sounds fair. (Score 0) 1452

I wish I had mod points.

The reason people act like this is because they're all going along with the groupthink RMS freetard omg open bullshit. The version of Android that comes on a phone you buy from a carrier is every bit as closed as iOS is, but shit, it says it's open on the box, so let's all revolt against Apple.

Bullshit bullshit bullshit.

The mind just fucking boggles at how easily led people are. Think for yourselves for once.

Comment Re:Thank god (Score 0) 1452

What are you talking about? Are you seriously trying to claim that RMS is responsible for the existence of a computer that's not "bound by restrictive EULAs"? Please. RMS hasn't had anywhere near that kind of impact. The GPL is one of the most restrictive licenses out there. Stop drinking the koolaid.

Submission + - Extreme Prejudice: Why Western Woman Must Support (

An anonymous reader writes: by Susan Lindauer ............ Hillary Clinton and President Sarkozy might loath to admit it, but the desire to turn back the clock on women rights in Libya constitutes one of the chief goals for NATO Rebels on the Transitional Council. For NATO Rebels—who are overwhelmingly pro-Islamist, regardless of NATO propaganda (see — it's a matter of restoring social obedience to Islamic doctrine. However the abaya is more than a symbol of virtue and womanly modesty. It would usher in a full conservative doctrine, impacting women's rights in marriage and divorce, the rights to delay childbirth to pursue education and employment—all the factors that determine a woman's status of independence. That makes this one War Libya's women cannot afford to lose. ..

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