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Comment Re:This is (Score 1) 167

This is why the comment by the CEO is being referred to as stupid, since saying something like this can only lead to more patent trolls and nothing positive for the company.

Unless the REAL strategy is to patent-troll-troll, whereby the most profitable strategy is to attract trolls, get sued by them, then win and counter-sue for damages :)

Comment Re:Lawsuits and customs action (Score 1) 469

Please allow me to rephrase: What happens when DCP LLC and the major publishers of non-free motion pictures sue the makers of HDFury and/or have ICE seize shipments at the border?

HDFury goes down, and a million chinese knockoffs rise up. If the *AAs are effective at controlling imports of those, then everyone gets to watch US media except those in the US. Maybe that's enough for them to say they've won, but by doing that they'd just be continuing down a financial spiral to oblivion.

Comment Re:A few problems I have had with the Arduino boar (Score 1) 224

If you want extremely light, you don't want a prototyping board with big easy board-to-board pin headers. From the very link you posted, Arduino has the Pro and Pro Mini, which is powered from 3.3V (ie. button cells), and is as minimal a board as you can get without designing one yourself. As for data storage, are you suggesting there's a microcontroller in the same class as the Arduino's Atmel chips that have much more memory? I think you'd be limited to off-MCU storage no matter what platform you're using.

Comment Re:No foundation for media-violence link (Score 1) 156

Yeah, the point is, regardless of the complex issues on what media a society can and does accept into itself, Australia has a "restricted to 18+" category for everything except games, as if sane, mature adults don't play them. This is the reason some very good games had to be artistically neutered for the Australian market (to water it down to the MA15+ category), and why there is a pressure to shoehorn games (like DNF) that are fit for an 18+ categorisation into the MA15+ bin.

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