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Comment Re:National health care will come from the Right (Score 1) 1270

I have to agree with most of what you say and I too believe that national healthcare is inevitable. I particularly agree that getting the for profit insurance companies out of the picture would reduce costs big time.

I do not believe the $3-5 cost figure to send and process a claim. I worked for years in an independant laboratory where I was responsible for all of the claims processing using our computers. We filed 80 to 1000 claims at a time at the click of a button and received the claims outcomes the same way. The only human involvement being handling the exceptions. While there were numerous exceptions they did not bring our cost to anything near $3-5 per claim. We even handled paper bills to patients using an electronic service which took my file, printed the bill to our specification, stuffed it in an envelope and mailed it for less than $0.50!

IMHO there is a broad gulf between the cost of healthcare and the price of healthcare. To use my experience again the lab provided numerous tests for a very low price. Our average cost was just about $9.00/test offered including panels. Our prices were not far over that and the company had around $5,000,000 in annual revenue. The lab was sold and the group that purchased it immediately raised the prices several fold generating a mountain of profit at the expense of the healthcare consumer. This group consisted of a local "non-profit" hospital and another independant laboratory in another city.

Another example: I looked up the cost of flu shots on the CDC site today and the cost including the syrenges and needles was not over $1.60 yet you cannot get a flue shot where I live for less than $20.00!

I believe national health care is coming but, with regards to the upcoming election, I do not see anyone with the strength to get it going.

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