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Comment Re:That's ONE possibility (Score 1) 185

If Professor Penrose is correct about the nature of consciousness, then Many Worlds cannot be correct.

If quantum uncertainty in position applies to spacetime and not just space, then Many Worlds would require that particles can experience interactions that don't actually occur in the timeline of the observer.

Many Worlds is mandatory if (a) information must be conserved, (b) superposition is information and not just potential information, and (c) the universe along any given path is an open system. But if it is an open system, with the sum of all paths being a closed system, we must consider the other conservation laws from that standpoint.

So there might be possible openings.

Comment Re:Someone has never studied philosophy... (Score 1) 185

It would indeed be falsifiable. Remember, QM predicts that the universe is filled with quantum foam on the order of Planck scale, and also predicts that interactions can operate over any distance (although information itself cannot move faster than light).

This is, essentially, not computable on any architecture whatsoever. You'd have to have simplifications. And that means GR and QM cannot be unified if we live in a simulation. GR would be a deliberate simplification to avoid having to do an impossible number of calculations. It would be roughly right, but measurably different.

You also have to have quantised spacetime, as no technology (however advanced) can describe infinite precision.

Simulation can be event-based or time-based. Since there seem to be valid reasons for thinking objective reality is a very dodgy concept between quantum observations - we can calculate outcomes but not paths to get there, the numbers don't work if you try to do intermediate calculations - then I would contend physics as we understand it could only be done via an event-driven model. But if this is true, then it would be necessary that this be true for ALL of physics at this level. The simulation would need to be consistent for everything modelled, but physics has no such constraint.

Time is thought to emerge from particle interactions, and particles are thought to emerge from field interactions. By implication, fields can't be constrained by any restriction on time. If fields are event-driven, then I might get interested.

Comment Re:Would it matter? (Score 1) 185

If it's a simulation, laws will have to be approximate. You simply can't model every particle in the universe individually with a precision on the order of Planck units.

And that means, to quote a book doing the rounds at the moment, that physics does not exist and never will exist. Not at a fundamental level.

It also means that the gap between GR and QM might be hard-coded. The simplifications used might be such that a unified theory could never exist.

It wouldn't matter to the average person, sure, but it'd seriously throw a spanner in the works for scientists trying to exploit different properties.

Comment Simulation Theory (Score 1) 185

There's a few constraints.

Simulation theory REQUIRES a quantised spacetime, as no computer can record numbers with infinite precision, regardless of how it is made or the type of technology used.

Simulation theory ALSO REQUIRES that solutions be approximate, since the computational complexity of systems rises exponentially. At the finest levels, then, practice should not agree with any consistent theory.

Finally, Simulation theory ALSO REQUIRES that Professor Penrose is wrong about the origins of consciousness as it requires effects to precede cause at the scale of Planck time. (As much as I'm suspicious of Penrose's conclusions, I'm not insane enough or drunk enough to bet against a multiple Nobel Prize winner.)

Having said that, the second of these might be correct. We can't find any quantum foam:

Quantum foam is absolutely essential, or physics doesn't work. But the effects it should cause just aren't there. I blame the trisolarons.

Comment Re:Hmm (Score 1) 118

First, water vapour is opaque at visible frequencies, but the sun emits over a very wide band, most of which will totally ignore clouds. For something like this, you'd use radio astronomy. The sun is a superb radio source, easily strong enough to compete with terrestrial sources, especially if you pick the right frequency.

Second, no it wouldn't. It wouldn't be triggered by the presence of detecting light on the optical spectrum, but the presence of a specific alignment. So you only ever synchronise when you hit exactly the correct point.

You then want an interferometer to observe the sun, where the centre of your virtual dish is precisely the meridian. When the centre of the sun is precisely midway across your telescope's field of view, you transmit a synchronisation pulse.

Thirdly, a leap second is introduced every 21 months or so. If we assume a month of 30 days, that means you have clock drift of 1/630th of a second per day. You could miss a lot of days before the maximum possible error exceeded the minimum error in the clocks used. The risk of time travel would be zero.

Comment Re:How do you measure accuracy? (Score 1) 118

The chief benefit of a quantum gas clock is that it is able to measure time accurately enough to measure even small relativistic effects. (The change in the speed of time from a vertical displacement of ten feet is observable.)

Redefining a second according to such clocks won't cause any serious headaches - most users won't notice the difference, and those who would likely already use quantum gas clocks.

But it would make a difference in what they publish, as the intervals of time would have genuine meaning. (It's hard to talk about attosecond intervals when the error bars of what a second actually means will swamp the interval you're measuring.)

The chief benefit for synchronising to a quantum gas clock is that the error you inevitably introduce into the system is much smaller than the error of the atomic clock.

Comment Hmm (Score 4, Interesting) 118

Instead of faffing around, do this:

1. Install a quantum gas clock as the planetary timekeeper. It's much more accurate than an atomic clock. Place this at the Greenwich Observatory.

2. Agree on a fixed alignment as the start of a day.

3. Place a sensor at Greenwich which detects when that alignment occurs. This resets the counter for the quantum gas clock, so a second always starts when the alignment occurs.

4. Synchronise all atomic clocks to the quantum gas clock.

There is now a daily reset which is at a much higher resolution than most computer clocks (but within the nanosecond resolution Linux supports). The system itself adds and removes fractions of a second as needed with no need of political decisions. This correction will always be smaller than natural clock drift, so is inside the error bar software is already designed to handle.

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