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Comment I think you missed the point (Score -1, Flamebait) 73

No one cares about your personal cause anymore.

It's not 2001. No one gives a shit about irrelevant-to-their every day lives legal wrangling, shit guy, they don't give a fuck about the RIAA itself, or the FSF, and you think they care to hear your inane ramblings on some stupid trivial bit of legal maneuvering?

No, they don't.

And finding a few slashtards to agree with you doesn't mean you're right, it means you've lost perspective.

Of course this is where you attempt to find some reason why shit you're posting still matters, the whole while thinking the echo chamber you live in in representative of reality.

RIAA is a joke, and you're an even worse joke for wasting so much time posting trivial shit about them that no one who isn't a total loser cares about.

Comment Yes, of course, I'm a ZIONIST SHILL! (Score 1) 644

"Well, if the people doing the shelling were being "all but completely" starved by my government's actions, I might consider a point of view that differs from your Zionist apologia."

One that includes being randomly shelled?

REALLY? You'd be willing to be SHELLED at random?

No, you wouldn't. You're a bloviating liar.

"But then again you're a Zionist shill whose comments on this thread show you to be abusive as well as stupid"

Yes, OF COURSE, I'm a "Zionist shill" despite coming out in SEVERAL posts for the Palestinians, and criticizing Israel.

In fact, my point from the beginning has been non-violent protest from Palestine will get them what they want.

Is your reading so bad that you can't see that? It seems to be.

Perhaps in the future you should read the whole thread, so you don't make such an embarassing mistake in the future.

As to abusive, "zionist shill" and "stupid" don't exactly show your tolerance.

So now you're an idiot and a hypocrite.

As to stupid, you're the one who thinks allowing yourself to be shelled and attacked by rockets is a good idea.

So, it appears I'm a stupid zionist shill, who owned you totally.

What does that say about you?

You're dismissed.

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