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Comment Re:...paper replacement (Score 1) 321

Do you mean you carry it with you like a notebook? Because if you do, you might want to check out the Galaxy Note 3. At least this device fully covers my needs when I'm on the go. For indoors though, there is no replacement for the god old engineering paper block.

Comment Re:Wait a sec (Score 1) 772

The laws of thermodynamics are actually axioms, that we use in order to predict the behavior of physical systems. If we ever find an experiment that defies them they will have to be extended or abandoned. The same purpose (the prediction of physical behavior) can also be achieved by using different axioms (like the less-popular but by all means equivalent single-axiom Hatsopoulos-Keenan formulation). Nobody "promoted" anything from theory to law.

As a scientist, you don't go about validating any beliefs or disbeliefs that you may have, you simply use the theory and its laws to help you figure out how stuff works.

Comment Re:you don't need to be a teacher... (Score 1) 310

I'll give you the one about chasing the ball, these damn things keep rolling and rolling and it can occasionally be fun if you manage to catch them before they roll into the river or the lake or whatever and before you get completely out of breath. But it may be ok if you live in a place like e.g. Nebraska that's totaly flat sans lakes and the ball will only go as far as you can kick it, which is not that far in most cases.

But climbing a tree is outright silly. The lowest branches of most trees are often out of reach and you can scatch yourself pretty badly on the way up. The small branches keep poking into your eyes or knocking on your glasses. And the foliage obscures the view so bad that the whole experience is pretty much a pain in the ass even if you finally do manage to get up. Also, how come everyone is so quick to point out that climbing trees is sooo much fun but no one mentions the fun involved in getting back down again? Exactly. Because it isn't.

Comment let's feed the troll! (Score 1) 310

This is an obvious troll, but I'll bite.

From TFA: "They're so used to the instant buzz which you can get with these games and gadgets that they find it really hard to focus on anything which isn't exciting."

So make the fucking school exciting. And no, using computers in the classroom isn't the answer. Inspiring kids to learn is a very demanding task and you can't hide your incompetence as a teacher by blaming the kids and their tablets/phones/laptops. Inability to concentrate, you say? Have you actually *seen* a kid play Unreal Tournament (or whatever it is kids play these days)? Also, in my day, D&D, Magick the Gathering and similarly complicated games would be the grand examples that your "inability to learn" statement is full of shit.

Lastly, fuck you and your sociallizing. If you don't address issues like bullying, the kids will burry their faces even deeper in their screens in an effort to get away from it all.

Comment I'm abandoning it anyway (Score 0) 53

The absurd release frequency, the unnecessary changes, and the bad quality forced me to air-gap my system and freeze it in an ancient version in order to keep it running (or, better said, in order to reduce the risk of it breaking down). I stopped recommending fedora ages ago. Now that that system fulfilled its original purpose, it will be repurposed and updated with something different, probably CentOS or Mint.

Comment Re:Isn't it a bit ironic (Score 1) 150

Yeah, when you don't give a shit about safety (as like, beyond the regulations, which are a bare minimum for preventing you from dying *on the spot*), stuff like this tends to happen in a factory handling and/or producing chemicals. The company I work for is in the same business, but never heard of any similar incidents in my workplace.

Comment A talent that will be missed (Score 1) 92

This is really sad. I had the privilege of seeing the original Alien prop up close at a special exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany. It was a lot more than what we got a glimpse of in the movie. It had an "industrial" look and feel, quite different from the sleek Aliens in the later films. Giger experimented a lot with sexual references and the genitalia. The Alien's elongated head is a phallic reference. The alien eggs originally had a single slot on top that looked like a vulva, that he later changed into a double slot in order to make it less obvious. His work was plainly awesome and it is sad that he was not commissioned in the other films of the Alien series.

Comment Re:I will be totally outraged for a few days ... (Score 4, Insightful) 218

Indeed, I'm a Gmail user from the very beginning and although the layout has changed significantly over the years, none of the changes was actually bad. Different, yes, but they didn't suck. Although a lot of functions were added that are IMHO rather nonsense, they are kept out of the way and the UI always remained very intuitive. Also, Gmail (besides offering a huge amount of space for no charge and a spam filter that is actually very good) launched the "search, don't sort" idea which was pretty revolutionary for web-email at the time. They seemed to come into conflict with that idea by introducing folders and "labels" but, as I said, it is very easy to ignore them.

Also, they have a very cool feature, that lets you adjust the amount of whitespace by choosing between the "comfortable", "cozy" and "compact" settings. Are you listening, Slashdot designers?

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