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Comment Re:Staring (Score 2) 279

If you can define "short" as ~ 15 min, then I usually just take a nap. A 15 min nap and I wake up surprisingly energized and recharged. Of course, I work by myself so can do this without worrying about what coworkers are thinking about me, but if you have your own office, close the door and set the alarm and you're good to go.

Comment Re:I remember a story when I worked at Microsoft.. (Score 4, Informative) 257

To be clear, that chart lists "Entertainment and Devices" division, of which Xbox is but one product, the others being Windows Phone, Surface, all MS Hardware, and other things. So it's not quite as easy as saying "xbox is losing money for MS" unless you can actually break that out of the rest of the division.

Comment Re:Simple exercises (Score 2) 372

^ what he said. Plus, I'd suggest finding a group to workout with because this will keep you motivated if you know someone's expecting you.

For quick workouts at work, I've written a script that will pick a bodyweight-only workout and a random number of reps. My deal is that if I want to browse /., I have to do one of these exercises first. You can select a number of workouts that work best for your situation from here.

Comment Re:Just proving the point (Score 1) 251

No, the "value" was the fact that they got it free or for less than $100 not anything else.

Considering that you can now get an iPhone 4 for free and the 4S for $99, then by your specious argument would have that those phones would vastly outsell those "cheap" Android phones because they're better, right? The fact that they don't must mean SOMETHING...


Submission + - Windows 8 Sells 40 Million Licenses In Just One Month 2

mystikkman writes: After selling 4 million copies in just three days, Microsoft announced today that it sold 40 million copies of Windows in the first month of general availability. Also, the upgrade sales of Windows 8 are higher than with Windows 7 in the month since launch. Microsoft says there are already some developers who have made more than $25,000 on their Windows 8 apps. That number is significant because Microsoft gives developers an 80 percent cut on all app sales over that figure, as compared to the industry-standard 70 percent on competing app stores. Other notable milestones include reaching 25 million users of the new and beating the entire multi-hundred million strong Android devices' web usage in just 10 days after launch. What does this mean for the much vaunted post-PC era? Combined with the much awaited Surface Pro coming out in January, will 2013 be the year of Windows 8 desktop and tablet?

Comment Re:and salon (Score 1) 423

...lambasting them for outing kids...

How do you "out" somebody who's posting to what is essentially a public forum. Granted, I don't use twitter, but aren't (god help me for saying this) "tweets" public?

On an interesting note, I just pulled up the tumbler page and now it's 404, after just having looked at it 5 minutes ago.

Comment Re:The TSA is still a thing? (Score 5, Insightful) 134

Because no one wants to be "that guy" that killed the TSA in case another terrorist takes down an airplane. Simple CYA thinking. Until we, as a nation, make it clear that the TSA is unacceptable, things will just carry on. And from my last visit to the airport, the people seem to be accepting it just fine.

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