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Comment Re:No good (Score 2, Insightful) 307

And then when they can never play their games again, or use their favorite software, they will never go to you again, and they will tell all their friends and family never to use you, because you broke their computer. You lose a ton of business. Then they go to someone else, who simply does what they ask, instead of assuming that the customer wants a different operating system, and they immediately gain a customer. That's what happens when ideology directly influences customer interactions.

Comment Re:Yay! (Score 1) 218

What you wrote:

Huzzah for delaying the inevitable future, fuckwads!

How I read it:

Google isn't being allowed to use other's people's stuff to make money! That isn't fair! I like Google, so they shouldn't have to follow the rules just like everyone else! They should be able to do anything and everything they want!

Comment Re:It's only Evil when Microsoft does it (Score 1) 303

So you only care about your privacy when you think you get something good in return? Your privacy doesn't seem to mean that much to you, it seems. You do realize that your data, that Google mines, is sold to companies that don't offer you those fancy services that you like? Some of them might even *gasp* use your data to send you spam that you really wish you didn't get! But hey, it's Google, so it must be okay to do it, right? Fuck the evil Microsoft, right?

This anti-Microsoft stuff is really old. Google is the new Borg. Time to replace pictures.

Comment Re:Summary wrong: Not a coma! (Score 1) 347

Ahh....Finally, I can read in peace. No one to bother me, just alone with my books. I wonder what I'll read first. I've always wanted to read War and Peace. Maybe I'll read that. I'll just grab it now...

Hey. Hey! I can't move my arms. Somebody! I can't move my arms! How can I read if I can't put the books in front of me? I'll just call over to somebody..They can't hear me! But its right there!

No! That's not fair. That's not fair at all. There was time now. There was all the time I needed... ! It's not fair!

Comment Re:Is it possible? (Score 1) 319

To spoof this information? Could you have a bank of servers trolling the net giving unique browser identification information on each unique page hit, there by giving the impression that a browser is more popular than it really is.

I could see Google doing exactly that.

See, I can make accusations that accomplish nothing either.

Comment Re:A very geek way to learn greek. (Score 1) 165

Anyway learning X using X is how *everybody* learn his native language.

See, that's the mistake that Rosetta Stone makes. People seem to forget all those years in that place called school that solidify one's knowledge of language. I mean, yes, if all one wants to do is speak with no real knowledge of grammar, be unable to spell most complex words, and break into gibberish once in awhile, then yes, all you need to do is learn X using X. If you want to actually learn a language, you are going to need, at the very least, a translation dictionary, and at the most(though preferred, because of actual feedback), an actual instruction course with supplemental materials.

Comment Re:Balderdash! Preposterous! (Score 1) 219

Well, first of all, many paleontologists, most notably Jack Horner, believe that T-rex was actually a scavenger. As a scavenger, it was most definitely not at the top of the food chain.

Also, as far as I know, it was not decided whether chickens evolved from the T-rex or ostriches evolved from the T-rex. Ostriches do not have strong wings. They have powerful legs, though. Chickens can only fly short distances. Both have a heavier skeleton and weaker muscles.

Finally, I am not quite sure you understand just how long 65 million years is. The split between chimps and humans is thought to have occurred between 5.4 and 6.3 million years ago. (Note that I never said that we evolved from chimps. We simply share a common ancestor.) That's a long time. However, the time between then and now could fit 10 times between the KT boundary(the end of the dinosaurs) and now. That amount of time is pretty much unfathomable amount of time for most people. And you mean to tell me that it is impossible that chickens or ostriches evolved from the Tyrannosaurus rex? Creatures evolve from other creatures depending on their environment. If the environment calls for smaller creatures, and through mutations, smaller creatures are born and able to survive better, then those creatures are going to survive, while the larger, less suited creatures die off. This isn't a quick process. It is also not suited to large populations. The smaller the population, the more likely that those traits that are helpful will consistently show up in offspring. A small population, such as one that was likely found just after the KT boundary.

I can feel myself going on an evolution rant, so I will stop now. Just remember that hunches and wild theories mean nothing without valid, peer reviewed evidence. I will gladly take science over guessing games.

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