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Comment Re:More galaxies would sterilize planets (Score 1) 536

Good point. I aso think the author fails to understand complexity and emergent systems (e.g. life). Denser != more likely to contain life, necessarily. What if life could burn itself out. We often wonder why we haven't made contact with extraterrestrial beings. Its quite possible that if we did the encounter would be short lived...
However I like your consideration even more.

Comment Re:More anti-intellegence shlock (Score 2) 491

The fact is though, that if you're smart and play by the rules, you don't get to bring the benefits of your wisdom/insight to the company. Rules are dumb. They are there to keep the predictable mechanics of comerse predictable and measurable. Genius should never be measured (in either sense). It should be let loose. It should be allowed to fail. It should be childish and annoying and rebellious. And it should not be the norm. I know really smart people who just turn up and work, and do as they're told. They don't get paid so much, and they aren't worth that much more, just doing that. They'd be instantly worth 5 times as much by being a jerk and getting their opinions put into practice. But they like to play safe. Which isn't dumb either. Just less jerkish.

Comment Re:What class of SUV? (Score 2) 509

IMHO, this is more of a PR stunt against American culture .

What a load of self absorbed crap.

The qualification factors are CO2 emissions per mile. As they should be. Not car shape. You think US invented the SUV? No just the dumb and incongruent name (I presume).

Don't get me wrong the shape and size are both important factors in European annoyance at there rise in popularity in our narrow overcrowded streets.

They also get refered to as Chelsea Tractors. I've lived in Chelsea. You're right to ask who would want to ride a huge SUV there. Sadly the answer is Every dumb selfish twat. If its bigger my children will be safer (and the neighbours' less so, but I don't care), my ego will be better supported, my status further bolstered.... You have a concentration of rich, self-centered people in city centers. Which is why Chelsea has the highest concentration of 4x4 owners per capita in the UK, despight one of the lowest snow and flooding rating. And next to no mud.

This is not an attack on American culture, but on selfish individuals. The fact that you identify with these individuals in the way you do, is potentially illustrative of your own understanding or perception of your countries culture.

Comment Re:Little bit hyped. (Score 4, Interesting) 103

I think you're right that this will never produce the forces required for most 'muscle' purposes.
However if it holds its charge it could be very exciting in terms of capacitance!
I've been playing with synthetic muscles, and I believe magnatism id the only likely way forward. But that Nanotubes are the solution. Esspecially if submerged in ferro fluids, or paramagnetic liquids (e.g. liquid oxygen, though that would not be great re safety). I've already had a bash at simply using thin wire: see vid of lego coil maker and seen here for brief comments.

Comment Re:Makes you wonder (Score 0, Flamebait) 388

Exactly. US becomes biggest wind bag. Or producer of hot air might be a better title... I know troll/flame/whatever. But please the rest of the world is kinda sick of this empty brovado. Real results please. Then we'll get back to admirring you as a nation. (and don't get me wrong - I already admire you as a poeple, many of you anyway)

Submission + - Tagging Pratchett (

Instine writes: "Alzheimer's patients are to be electronically tagged, if the UK government and the foremost charity in the field have their way, says the BBC:
"The government has said tagging could allow people to lead "fuller lives".

Science Minister Malcolm Wicks said sufferers would gain the freedom to "roam around their communities" without their families suffering the anxiety that such wandering can currently cause. "
While the Alzheimer's Society suggest it is for the sake of the sufferers' safety, and the article states that "The Alzheimer's Society said decisions about whether to use a tracking device should be made in conjunction with the person with the disease in the earlier stages of dementia." many on Slashdot, and elsewhere will undoubtedly have their reservations...

I wonder how Terry Pratchett feels about the possibility of being tagged?"

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