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Comment Re:Whitelist? (Score 2) 248

Whitelists are a fair idea in principle, but in practice malware-laden ads distributed by promiscuous ad networks are a problem. While reputable networks allow sites to tailor ad campaigns and block specific ads or types, they often trade spots among themselves which can result in bad ads slipping into rotation despite the safeguards. And 'bad' can range from 'loud, expanding Flash' to 'welcome to the botnet, comrade'.

Sites that are particularly large, or under a big umbrella, Slashdot for example, can avoid this kind of thing by running their own in-house network... but smaller sites don't have that kind of luxury. There still needs to be an interest in vetting submitted ads by those internal networks as well-- curse.com is basically an ad network with forums and MMO add-ons floating on top, and they have a bad history of serving malware and spear-phishing attacks to their users.

Comment Re:A Portal movie?!?!? (Score 5, Insightful) 208

Someone's already done a short Portal movie (search Youtube for 'Portal: No Escape'; I don't want to accidentally give hits where they aren't due), but you're right. It's really difficult to pull off a film where there is only one visible, active actor. It's possible, but while I enjoy Abrams' oeuvre for its flashes of cleverness and all of its ridiculous spectacle, I don't think he could pull off a straight-up Chell vs. GlaDOS.

Of course, this is assuming that everything is based on the games and not the broader continuity they're built from. A movie about Gordon Freeman squeezing antlion bits, or Chell discovering that the cake is (twist ending!) moist, delicious, and real? No. God, no.

A movie based around the events of the Seven Hour War, or the events leading up to GlaDOS going on-line, on the other hands? Those, or something strongly resembling those, I could see.

Comment Not sure what's worse: (Score 0) 101

The fact that neither the pitchman nor the hands on the monitor were actually demonstrating the keyboard in a meaningful capacity...

Or the suggestion that installing the thing on a steering wheel could improve driving safety. Seriously, what? A distraction is a distraction, and if you're texting away in traffic, you're fucking distracted.

Comment Re:Never underestimate familiarity (Score 1) 1387

Funny thing is, up here in Canada a lot of us pick up a smattering of Imperial measurement-- inches, feet, pounds, cups, and so on, but rarely measurements that are larger. When I took a woodworking course in high school, one of the first things the teacher told us was that while we're officially Metric, just about everything related to construction is still measured in Imperial. Measuring tapes and yardsticks tend to be bilingual though, for those times that you really need to know how many millimeters 1/8" is.

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