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Comment Re:Stick a fork in it (Score 1) 138

I miss the BBS era. People were expected to post valuable content about the subjects at hand and not just randomly go to clubs and having such a great time that they spent all night taking photos to post them online. You know, back then, I actually thought that spending time in forums was productive. Nowadays it's literally the way I have to waste time.

Comment Re:Is it a good alternative to Ubuntu for a novice (Score 2) 216

Uh, I'm a (novice) Linux user, but to be fair, I've never experienced any of those problems. Resource hogging, slow system, more vulnerable to viruses and other malware, expensive and most of the time not good enough software, etc, but those seem to be (except the last one) hardware or screwed up install (or made up) problems. Particulary the last one seems pretty goddamn farfetched.

Comment Re:Bethesda: Working on this instead of fixing Sky (Score 1) 160

id has not been in any gradual decline. They still make millions with games that are admitedly tech demos. They are just as strong as ever, more sophisticated gamers with opinions might think otherwise and such opinions are completely valid, as Doom 3 and Rage were less than perfect, which is what people expected for some reason from people who have been almost 20 years making blank states for people to make stuff - mods, TC, other games. People whould have known that ever since Quake, which was an honest attempt at making a hugely moddable game, throwing in some nice SP because Sandy Petersen and John Romero are good designers. There is a reason why Carmack is the face of the company: and that reason is that id isn't a "game studio", they are "game developers" and that is the focus of the company.

Comment Re:Stupid to Sell (Score 1) 230

Yup. Bing still feels too cumbersome to use, but it's a product that can be improved. Not that I think Facebook would try to buy it, but sure as hell I don't think Microsoft would randomly sell it.

Over a year ago, Microsoft executives sent out feelers to Facebook to see if the company would be interested in acquiring Bing, though the overture was not officially sanctioned by Steven A. Ballmer, chief executive of Microsoft, one of these people said. Mr. Zuckerberg declined, saying Facebook had too much else to concentrate on. Dawn Beauparlant, a spokeswoman for Microsoft, declined to comment, as did Ashley Zandy, a spokeswoman for Facebook.

That said, this is the only part of TFA that actually talks about the headline. Apparently, the submitter did not even read much, because the rest of the article is actually interesting instead of this random speculation that has absolutely no proof, names, evidence, or even quotes, and isn't even that intriguing to start with. But this is /. AKA "must bash Microsoft", instead of the positively boring "Microsoft and Facebook Align Further With Patent Deal" real haedline.

Comment Re:Chrome already supports most of that (Score 1) 128

I'd like to try the OS, but it seems redundant. Why would I do so? The only reason Chrome OS would be attractive is if it had a wide range of applications that could be attractive. I think that's the point. (Which is, conversely, the reason why I don't make the complete switch to Linux in all of my boxes: apps)

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