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Comment Re:Define slowing (Score 1) 126

QoS allows the router to drop packets coming in for a particular ip/port (your client) if they exceed a certain rate (normal and/or burst). TCP will automatically renegotiate the transfer speed to accommodate the loss of packets. In this way users hogging bandwidth can be contained. The real powers of QoS are in prioritizing outgoing packets in the queue, allowing protocols that require low latency (VoIP) to go out before those that have no latency requirements (torrent), but the outgoing queue can also be shaped so each user gets a fair share of outgoing traffic.

Comment Re:Inquiring Gamers Want to Know (Score 1) 504

Being that VoIP means "Voice over Internet Protocol", I would say that all the apps listed qualify, but the poll requires that you use it 'regularly' to count it. I have half a dozen VoIP utilities installed and use none of them, so they are not counted.

Comment Re:FTL! (Score 4, Insightful) 160

Aside from the cool geek factor, why load Debian? It's a distro optimized for servers.

Who told you that? My experience is that Debian's strength is in its versatility, rather than a focus on servers. Thats why it is seen in using for anything from the firmware-based Linksys NSLU2 to being the base of some of the most popular desktop distros of the past few years, suck as Knoppix and Ubuntu.

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