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Comment Re:still a compromise (Score 1) 139

Nothing but a keyboard or mouse will product the same results of a keyboard and mouse to its fullest extent. You're not the target market. This is designed to make living room play easier for those who wish to partake in such an endeavor. If you're already sitting at your desk, you're probably better off using the keyboard and mouse.

Comment Re:Is there any evidence of real openness? (Score 1) 139

Er, you are aware that SteamOS is essentially nothing but a custom desktop Linux distribution with some specialized drivers and applications to facilitate the Steam storefront and peripheral hardware, right? That should be all you need to know to realize how open it's going to be.

They welcome anyone to install it on their own home desktops. Of course you'll be able to sideload whatever you want onto it or pick at the guts. Just don't expect the storefront client to be open source.

Comment Re:Stubborn? (Score 2) 153

Sorry, but many times paying by phone is seriously inconvenient when compared to a simple credit card. You have to unlock the phone, find the right payment app and open it, find the payment option and pick it, enter another PIN, show some barcode to the cashier, and then it still takes as long as a credit card to approve. Compared to pulling the card from my wallet and swiping it, it's about five times slower.

That's now how the ideal system is supposed to work, nor how it really does work anywhere. Most places handle pay by phone via a phone equipped with an NFC chip you just swipe over a payment spot and it charges you, no unlocking the phone, no pin, navigating to your payment app of choice, none of that crap. It effectively turns your phone into a card. If you want to consider convenience, it's more so because you don't have to pull out your wallet, then the card, then swipe it. You just pull out the phone and swipe it.

This app shit that's getting tossed around is not the system that we want. I pray for the day we get a proper pay by phone system like they have in Japan or similar.

Comment Re:And this is here because.. (Score 1) 249

I don't speak to the Troll moderation done on your post, but angry/annoyed/upset people will do things they're not supposed to when they have the power to do them. The correct moderation, should any have been applied at all, should have probably been -1, Offtopic. The article comments section is not the place to discuss Slashdot politics. I don't think you could reasonably convince anyone that "this article doesn't belong here" is in the spirit of discussion the comments section is supposed to promote.

But I digress, continuing this will get neither of us anywhere. We all get moderation we don't deserve because some egghead thinks his opinion is more valid than ours. It's just a fact of life here that is never going to change as long as users have the power to moderate.

Comment Re:And this is here because.. (Score 1) 249

They've taken the "News for nerds" lines out everywhere except for one place that is only seen for a fraction of a second anymore because of pedants like you who feel the need to criticize every article that deviates from your perceived expectations of the site.

You don't need to be the person doing it in every article, but there is always someone. You just happened to draw the card today. We're sorry Slashdot doesn't base all its article decisions on what your personal beliefs are regarding the nature of this website. You're welcome to go to the firehose section and condemn any articles you disagree with appearing on the site. Otherwise you're just going to have to get over it or find a new website that caters to your specific needs.

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