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Comment Re:Two Different Thoughts (Score 1) 1657

How do you know it's already happening? If you look at actual historical data (google is your friend) you will see that there have been many periods of time in the history of the world where it has gotten warmer, and then subsequently cooler. gw totally ignores that data, and instead relies on computer generated models that use cherry picked data in the 1950s as a starting point to come to their own predetermined conclusion. That my friend is not science. 60 years of data based off actual historical data isn't even enough to establish a baseline.

Comment Re:But is it caused by humans? (Score 1) 1657

Ok, I'll suppose global warming is real even though instead of using actual climate data that's available they use data that's been computer generated, and even though they shout down and blackball any scientist that disagrees with their flimsy (and logically flawed IMO) conclusions. Yes I'll set all of that aside and consider your statement. Even if it is real, what are you going to do about it? Stop driving? Turn off your electricity and get rid of anything that requires it? What are you doing on Slashdot? Stop talking (if we could get the politicians to do that it might help)? How could you hope to impact it if you don't even definitively know the cause? Do we just keep trying stuff until we find something that works? If it's mankind that is causing it then the obvious solution is to get rid of mankind. You go first off the cliff I'll follow a little later.

I don't think we are at a point where we can say it's undeniable. I don't care how many people you get together to say the same thing if one of them or all of them are full of crap it's still crap. If it were such an undeniable issue then why the need to manipulate data, why the need to blackball dissenting scientists, why the need to garner credibility? Those things alone tell me that this is far from open and shut.

Comment Re:Hmm! (Score 0, Troll) 502

Funny how in the US we could care less what the pansy Europeans think. The countries you mention aren't a major superpower that is primarily Christian. Of course the terrorists don't attack over there. They don't care about them. They think that when they've won the west it'll be real easy to get those guys to worship mohammed. They're probably right. Now go style your hair.

Comment Re:9/11 ? (Score 1) 502

So if you're asking if we were the anthrax attacks, and not terrorist acts then I would have to say WTF are you smoking. And maybe no. If you're asking were the anthrax attacks not terrorist acts then I would have to say that I think they were, but others might disagree. Hope that clears things up for everyone.

Comment Re:This explains religion. (Score 1) 961

Not really. When you look at the "facts" that have been foisted onto society such as global warming, evolution, etc it's hard for me to imagine religion requiring any more faith than science. Sure they wrap it up in a nice pretty package for you at school, but if you dig into it with a critical eye you will soon find the whole mess of holes and controversy that they don't bother to teach in school. I might put my faith in Christ, and you might put your faith in man. How do you know who it is that has been deceived? Each requires a certain level of trust. I'm sure I can trust Christ, but I can cite many instances that I have been deceived by men. It's almost a favored human past time.

At one time people believed the earth was flat. They were certain of it. You read it in a book. Ok, fine. Does that make it true? No more so than the Internet. "Oh, but it's a text book!!!" And...? Everyone has an agenda. Even professionals who write text books. Just try to get an unbiased account of anything. Gather information from multiple sources, look for credibility, test with your own reason, and guess what? You're still a blind man trying to find the truth by feeling what's around you.

Even what you see with your own eyes, and hear with your own ears is subject to your own filtering and interpretation. Because you believe something is true does that make it so? If one believes he can walk off a cliff does that mean he can defy gravity? No. It's an absolute truth. It's true whether you like it or not, and whether you believe it or not. What else in the universe might be absolutely true? That we evolved from apes? A text that has survived over 2000 years of scrutiny would suggest otherwise. Yet a theory that has never really been proven beyond interpretation of data by scientists with an agenda using a process that varies widely depending on a multitude of variables somehow gains traction over a period of less than 200 years? That's faith!!!

It all comes down to what you believe, but don't pretend you have any more factual evidence to support your beliefs because you're either deluded or lying if you do.

Comment Re:No surprise... (Score 1) 961

Let me guess... you vote democrat because the party is for the common man right? How's that working out for you? Unemployment is at 10%, and they're all the greedy CEOs that deserve to starve right? Oh, you mean the poor people are still the ones getting screwed? You don't say!!! The government is going to take over healthcare so they can make sure everyone is taken care of right? Wait and see how that works out. The only reason they want healthcare is so that the government justify raising our taxes to give us worse care than we get now. Any time the government takes over anything they make it worse. It's all about money and control regardless of which party you are talking about. The politicians look out for those that will help them get re-elected. These days that translates into big corporations, unions, lobbyists, and lawyers. Notice how the common man is missing from that list? That's what needs to change. The only reason anyone would vote for a right wing party that I can see is that it used to mean not giving more control and money to the governement. Now days I'd like to opt for another option, but realistically we end up with a moron who's going to make it worse no matter who we vote for.

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