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Comment Re:Stupid (Score 1) 828

Yes, and better soldiers. When your soldiers don't reflect the composition and values of your society then its time to do some house-cleaning. Let's start with Marine Corps General Amos, and then maybe the Marine Corps itself if he accurately reflects its views.

Comment Misinformed != Less-informed But..... (Score 1) 1352

Since Fox demonstrably and deliberately puts out misinformation, it is demonstrably true that people who rely on Fox for information are necessarily mis-informed, less-informed and un-informed. Fox relies on two never-fail money-making ideas:

1.The Big Lie: Say it loud enough and often enough and most people will start to believe it.

2. No-one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American (substitute nationality of your choice) public.

Comment Re:In b4 shitstorm (Score 1) 435

AC wrote"
"The way to understand the anti-abortion mindset is extremely simple, but very difficult (apparently) for many supposedly "rational" thinkers. They believe that a person is alive and has rights from the moment of conception. Potential life, in their eyes, is to be as revered as full life-- in fact in some ways more so because it has no adequate defenses or ability to survive without help*."

Yet these same people who "revere life" are overwhelmingly in favour of the death penalty; and are quite happy with selective assassinations and war with its "collateral damage" (read killing and wounding of civilians by American soldiers), as long as it is America doing the killing. Not to speak of the millions of Americans in the US who can't afford or get access to decent health care.

Comment Re:Now to bring them back (Score 1) 347

Hitler and his Nazi party supporters have a lot in common with today's Republican/tea-party Americans:

Both are highly nativist, intolerant and ignorantly nationalistic.
Both irrationally believe their country to be superior in all ways to other countries.
Both blame foreigners and immigrants for their economic problems.
Both hate socialists, communists, homosexuals, immigrants. liberals.
Both consider certain ethnic groups inferior and a threat to society (Jews for one, Latino immigrants for the other) and would happily deprive them of their civil rights and legal protections.
Both are militaristic and bellicose.
Both like big government when it does what they like.
Both misuse religion to promote their ideology of fear and cultural superiority.
Both are primarily white, "middle-class", christian, poorly educated, ignorant, and gullible.
Both rest on fear and resentment.

I could go on. Not my kind of folk. Ignorant, selfish, and dangerous for a modern democratic society. Such are their leaders and activists. Most of the run-of-the-mill supporters are simply stupid. Wake up America

Comment Union Right On This (Score 1) 629

Whether you like teachers unions or not, I don't, they are right on this issue. Publishing this information on individuals is a gross violation of personal privacy. Information at this level of detail is none of the public's business and does nothing to promote good administration, which would be furthered simply with data on the percentage of teachers evaluated as underperforming and what the administration is doing about it. I hope the newspaper is successfully sued by some teacher.

The teachers union is correct too about the unreliability of evaluations based on student test results (if that is in fact the approach used here). There is not necessarily any reliable correlation between a students academic achievement and the individual teacher's competence in the classroom. Many students do well despite poor or mediocre teachers. Many students are behaviourly resistent to discipline and learning in the classroom.

I you want to find out who the good and bad teachers are, simply ask the students. You can't put anything over on them. Then go and ask the other teachers in the school. They know who the incompetents, burnouts and dead-wood are. Ask the parents although they are not very reliable on this. Finally, ask the administration, the least reliable of all, as they rarely enter the classroom to see how the class is being conducted and are more interested in whether the teachers compliance with rules and procedures than with classroom competence.

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