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Comment Re:Sue (Score 1, Insightful) 1182

The first constitution does not apply to services provided by a company. This woman isn't going to jail, she's been removed from a service provided by a company.

Microsoft isn't really concerned. They aren't going to lose any significant number of customers over this. There isn't going to be a backlash. Nobody is gonna care.

It's just some person wanting express themselves everywhere and realizing that they can't win every battle. If more GLBT would learn this lesson they would probably be perceived better by the general public.

Comment Re:bad fan? (Score 1) 835

Mod parent up.

I've seen this too many times, especially in laptops. A failed fan or detached heatsink will do it on desktops and laptops, but also a broken heatpipe on laptops.

If the user uses their laptop on a cushion or something that cuts off air flow, it will get so hot that it can completely evaporate the liquid in the heatpipe and then the processors gets almost no cooling and the heatpipe permanently ceases to function. A good test is to use the laptop fro something taxing, then check if you feel warm air coming out of the laptop exhaust or not. Warm = functioning heatpipe, cool/room temp = broken heatpipe. No air = malfunctioning fan, lol.

Also check the fins on the exhaust, getting clogged up with dust can lessen the heat dissipation and cause the processor to enter the slow failsafe state.

Most laptop manufacturers provide detailed disassembly diagrams for their laptops, and you can commonly find a replacement heatpipe for less than $20, even you've only ever worked on desktops, most laptops aren't that difficult to work on. Give it a shot if it's out of warranty.

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