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Comment Unintended consequences (Score 1) 359

Apparently Obama's handlers discovered that the world doesn't appreciate being spied on, and the world has started to decrease the amount of business they do with American companies. This hits the real power people in the wallet, and we can't have that! Quick, have Obama issue a statement. Yep, that ought to fool the 99% for another couple of years.

Comment Re:I got the notice... (Score 1) 137

I received an email last Dec about the breach and another one yesterday offering the free credit monitoring. So I called Target and asked when my new card with new numbers was coming. Turns out -- it wasn't. Customers have to specifically call and ask for new cards to be sent. WTF?!?! A simple solution to nip this in the bud -- issue new cards with new numbers -- and they aren't doing it? I guess they would rather eat the bogus charges. If I had any Target stock, I would dump it ASAP.

Comment You need an editing plan more than a backup plan (Score 4, Interesting) 321

100,000s -- like 300,000? More? How many of them will you actually ever look at again? Less 1% I'm guessing. Here's my advice (and it's what I do), step 1) when transferring pics to your computer, delete the ones that are out of focus, bad lighting, framed poorly, etc. This is about 15%. Step 2) once a month, go through the photos you have taken the previous month and delete those that just don't mean as much anymore (if they have decreased in emotional value in 30 days, just think how utterly worthless they would be in 5 years?). This takes care of another 30%. Step 3) once every 3 months, I and my wife pick the cream of the crop for physical prints. This is about 10%. These are stuck into photo albums, labeled and kept in a fire proof safe in our basement. So 200 photos a month, gets reduced to ~100, and then 10 per month are printed. YMMV

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