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Comment Re:Two words: Sammy Sosa (Score 1) 618

Ah, a reasonable discussion on Slashdot, what am I to do.

And the problem with achievement is that achievement isn't necessarily productive or wholly worthwhile. Look at Mao, for example. On the one hand, he did radically propel China forward into being a strongly developing country. On the other hand, his clear lack of experience and overconfidence in the ability to micromanage such a large country resulted in massive famine and strife.

In comparison to Mao, I think Bush was not all that different than Clinton and his father before him...largely a maintainer of the status quo. He certainly was not the transformative character that Mao was and Obama apparently is trying to be.

No, what did that for him was a collection of individuals who have done the same thing for countless other individuals (including Bush's father). Bush was a face and a personality and while he certainly shaped the campaigns that gained him Governorship and Presidentship--and he certainly exercised significant power when elected--, he was far from "the decider" or in a position where most people weren't sheltered even if he made grossly large mistakes in procedure. I'm not saying he didn't accomplish something extraordinary, but I'd almost argue that getting a PhD is a greater achievement because it's less based upon a popularity contest and more on actual ability. Certainly, that's not the basis for Bush being elected.

All Presidents are figureheads to a large degree, by virtue of the demands of the office. Where they influence things is in the people that they appoint to run the country. Sure, GWB filled his cabinet and the rest of the administration with retreads from prior administrations, but these were people largely with a decent amount of policy experience within the mainstream of society. For all of the rancor that was thrown there way, people like Ashcroft really were not that bad. When push came to shove, Ashcroft defended the Constitution.

I'm curious of what you speak in this regard. I would definitely say that Obama has certainly been in the news more and did more in the first year than Bush did (well, prior to 9/11). Beyond that, I'm not sure where you've actually pragmatically seen what any of Bush or Obama has done to you. And ideologically, Bush authorized or was otherwise reasonably culpable for authorizing a number of horrible things (warrantless wiretapping, kidnapping, torture, and indefinite imprisonment); Obama isn't much better, continuing about half the mentioned practices. In any case, I'd love to hear an elaboration.

The economy would be a good start. Obama took a structural $450 billion a year deficit under Bush (which was hardly anything to be proud about) and has turned it into a structural $1.4 trillion annual deficit. This is simply unrecoverable without severe austerity. It ends in ruination. At the end of Obama's term, we will have doubled the national debt at the same time that Social Security and Medicare goes into the red. In my opinion, this is what you get when you nominate a bunch of socialist and marxist retreads to your cabinet. They really have no clue on how to run an economy. Turbo Tax Timmy couldn't even balance his own taxes correctly, but now he's running the Treasury Department trying to fix the entire economy (Turbo Tax Timmy is a good example of where academic achievement doesn't necessarily confer real world success and achievement). Obama's mismanagement of the economy is almost enough for me to really believe he's an adherent of the Cloward-Piven strategy of collapsing the system to bring on socialism at the national level.

Comment Re:eh (Score 0, Troll) 618

If a gay man married a woman, they would have the same benefits as any other married couple. Now, if you want to fucking REDEFINE MARRIAGE from what it's been in Western civilization for the last 3000 years, by all means, go ahead. But don't call it some sort of equal protection bullshit. It's just the continual leftist desire to turn society on it's head.

Comment Re:Two words: Sammy Sosa (Score 1) 618

But, yes, let's pretend it's all a matter of how well one does on an IQ test.

Which is why I stuck achievement in there. You are right, it's not about performance on an IQ test...presumably a lot of the basement dwellers on Slashdot would do quite well on that account, while accomplishing very little productive in their lives, at least at present.

Bush, like him or hate him, does have a body of accomplishment that is better than the vast majority of people out there. He didn't get elected President because his daddy was President. He was actually an effective and popular governor of Texas. And he got to be governor of Texas by defeating Ann Richards. His daddy didn't do that for him either.

There is certainly a lot of truth that a lot of doors were opened up for GWB due to who his father was, and if you take the same guy, and plop him into a lower middle class pedigree, the outcome would have been far different. Them's the breaks. We don't like in a perfect meritocracy. Those don't actually exist.

And as far as the job he did as President...I think Obama is finding out just how hard that job is. Because Bush fucked up things less in 8 years than Obama did his first year in.

Comment Re:lulz (Score 2, Insightful) 618

The Supreme Court is limited to deciding real-life "cases and controversies."

This is a dodge. Nominees to the Supreme Court are explicitly coached to avoid addressing decisions that may come before the Supreme Court.

The question regarding whether or not the government has the power to tell you what to eat is another way of asking the nominee if there are any restraints or limits to the power of the Federal government. Since our entire government system was founded on the basis of limited government, the situation where a judicial nominee cannot articulate the limits of government mean that candidate is singularly unqualified to serve. However, now that we have an agenda based imperial judiciary whose primary purpose is subverting the will of the people, this is the type of judicial nominee you are going to get from the Democrats from now on.

As another example, Sotomayor, that wise Latina, was unable to articulate whether or not people have a right to self defense. You know, that's only something that has existed in English Common Law for some 900 years or so. But the concept was completely foreign to her.

Comment Re:eh (Score 1) 618

As a self-taught software developer without a CS degree, I've come to recognize that the better and more efficient developers are those that are self-taught, with real-world experience. I've worked with CS grads with their bachelors degrees that cannot stand toe-to-toe with some guy lacking equal credentials, doing their job equal to the time that grad spent in the classroom.

As a self-taught software developer without a CS degree I think you may be engaging in selection bias. The reality is that the software developers without degrees or CS degrees have to be good and typically have to have a track record to get hired that CS-grads do not. Larger pool of CS grads mean they tend to look worse comparatively, but there are some very good developers that managed to graduate with CS degrees.

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