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Comment Re:Rent vs buy (Score 2, Interesting) 50

I'd be interested to see in how the rental money is divided up once it's lifted off your credit card. Perhaps a larger portion of that will go directly into the hands of the designers as opposed going into Blockbuster's pocket. If that's the case, then a pricing structure similar to or slightly cheaper than any current rental service may suffice.

Comment Re:Unfortunate (Score 0) 455

A lot of great PC games were even more successful than they otherwise might have been because they opened themselves up to the mod community.

While that may be true, it's irrelevant to this story. Chrono Trigger has never been a PC game and is already highly successful both in terms of sales and its influence on the console RPG market. The brand never has and never will need the "help" of the mod community or fangame creators.

Comment Re:HMMMMMMM (Score 1) 150

A good SSD will whoop many high-end platter drives even after the one-time speed decrease. Anandtech went over this a few months back. The reasons you should stick with platters is because they're cheaper per gigabyte, not because they're "tried and true". (I don't even really know about the "true" part, after all hard drives are the first thing that'll take a shit on most computers anyway.)
Input Devices

A No-Touching 3D Computer Interface 123

Justin Schunick points out a video demonstration of a 3D input system which senses the user's hand position, but without requiring the user to touch a controller or wear a trackable position indicator. From the provided description: "Utilizing the theory of electrostatics, we have designed a low-cost human-computer interface device that has the ability to track the position of a user's hand in three dimensions. Physical contact is not required and the user does not need to hold a controller or attach markers to their body. To control the device, the user simply waves their hand above it in the air."

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