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Comment Re:PC gamers think they should get games for free (Score 1) 1027

PC gamers have $2000+ computers and drop $200-500 on a video card every year. But most of them are too damn cheap to buy their games.

I know I'm probably a minority in this, but my gaming rigs (one for me, other for the Mrs.) cost around $450. ~100$ per year maintenance.. and I never spend more than $100 on a vid card. 9600GTs were $80 last time I needed to drop cash on them. Now, I'm a family man, and I love my games and pay for them, but you guys think you can keep us going on just multi-million dollar product ventures that cost us $50-60 a pop? I guess I'm probably not your target audience at all, and not of any concern, since I have to wait until the games are a more affordable $20 or so. I'm a patient man.. Bought Bioshock when it hit $20, UT3 as well, just bought Mass Effect for $10 (I can wait a year for part 2..). Valve gave me 6 games in the Orange Box, and I'm just finishing Half Life 2, Ep 2. Man was that great.. costs like $18. Great game. Speaking humbly and of my own opinion, I think you guys are just too big for yourselves. Hell, what am I saying, I"m not sure I've really played a game from Ubisoft (or have I?)

Just want to close buy saying, look at how great Braid was (in my opinion). Sure didn't take millions of dollars and DRM to make that (afaik).

Comment Re:Try OpenSUSE (Score 4, Interesting) 766

When using Ubuntu, you can add software without any of that foolishness, using synaptic package manager or apt-get from the command line.

Don't forget about the 'Ubuntu Software Center' for non-techie users. Its simplified interface is a good alternative to Synaptic for quick search/install/remove.

I have some pretty good success stories regarding people that are ultra-non-tech using Ubuntu. A friend of mine had a system I helped him with, he uses it for all his music creation/production/promoting work. He moved out to New York, a few thousand miles from me, and about a year later his HD died. I had him order a new drive off newegg, download Ubuntu 9.10 on his wife's PC, and do the install himself. He was up and running with a fresh Ubuntu and installed all his software (VLC, Ardour, Hydrogen, QJackCtl, LADSPA plugins, etc) in under an hour. He wouldn't know how to use a command line if he tried :) Again, I think this is a good success story!

Here's a previous post from me regarding software/hardware he uses and resulting artworks if anyone's further interested.

Comment Re:Innovation on Bing (Score 1) 277

I think when people talk of a technology being impressive, they are talking about, well, technology.

The fact that you don't want to use Silverlight or can't run it on Linux has nothing to do with how impressive the technology is.

But it might in the end have something to do with how impressive the technology is. If the technology is desirable enough, then I'd like to be able to use it on my PC, TV (I'm thinking of something like a Sharp Aquos in this instance of 'TV'), iPhone, Droid, iPad, $100 netbook, toaster, etc. Problem is, I can't guarantee Silverlight runs reliably on any of those devices.

Comment Re:...should we be outraged? (Score 0) 286

I'd list out tons of rebutals to your claim, but I'm way too lazy. A few though... bought the Orange Box when it was new, for $45. 6 games in there. Bought UT3 on sale for $12. Normally $20. Buy a pack of great indie games for $20.. Braid for $10, entire ID collection (some 10 or more games?) for $75. I love just clicking to get a new game, but that's the way I am with everything. Similar case, if it's not on Hulu, I usually don't bother. I'm a sucker for easily accessible media. Wave of the future dude, 100% electronic.

Comment Re:Poor choice for screensaver? (Score 2, Interesting) 907

Yes, same here. This article surprised me; I'm running Kubuntu 9.04 on a Dell Latitude D630. It was old and abused before I got it, and I still get ~4 hrs battery life doing research and coding projects. Default install of Kubuntu, no tweaks, default power options that it came installed with. I've been very pleased with it, especially in regards to suspend/resume - I never shut this thing down completely. Always using a wireless connection as well. I can't say much about the disk drive power usage though, as I never use it.

Comment Re:This is not good for free software (Score 1) 343

Why is this modded interesting. Google docs exports to ODF by default, as well as PDF and DOC. How is that lock-in? Standards based formats? And 'held hostage'?? I can get my docs off Google's servers at any time by clicking File > Download. God forbid I'd want an easy free service to store my documents in a location I can access securely anywhere in the world. If it really scares you, don't use it, or use it, download the documents to a flash drive and delete them off Google Docs. Thankfully they're not in a locked-in format such as docx that can only be read in ONE application suite with any degree of certainty.

And I didn't even start talking about how much easier collaboration is in these suites.


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