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Comment Re:A4Q (Score 1) 136

They didn't have to. The immune system is largely inactive in and oblivious to the airspace of the lung. It would only be when the roots breached the walls and entered the blood that the immune system would get wise.

No, you are quite confused. Species of leukocytes often squeeze through capillary walls to exit the bloodstream, wander around in the tissue, and go back. The immune system is very active in the lung, it would be absurd for it to be inactive in a site so exposed to pathogens (frequent inhalation, thin epithelium). In fact, the inflammation-like context is one reason that the lung is a common site for metastatic cancers.

Now "dealing" with the roots, I don't know. Would you expect the macrophages to swallow the roots whole? B-cells producing antibodies to aggregate the plant? Normal plants already survive much harsher environments than mere immune systems, they grow on soil exposed to the elements.

Comment Re:If you want to test it (Score 1) 185

If they just went and rounded up every single one, it would be pretty obvious that the code had been broken.

If they rounded up every single U-Boat, I don't think it would matter whether the Germans know if it is broken- seeing as how they wouldn't have any U-boats left to send secret messages to.

Comment Re:No, you're right (Score 1) 973

Hawking is a physicist not an engineer or a biologist, and it shows.

I had a similar thought. Why is his opinion on the subject being trumpeted as some sort of divine truth? His work has very little to do with the actual practical challenges (both in terms of engineering, finance and convincing the government(s)) involved in leaving Earth. It has very little to do with its ecology and how much damage it will be able to sustain. It has very little to do with history or global politics, and how likely some manner of dark age is to occur in the future.

Quite simply he's the equivalent of my grocer harping on about string theory and his own private "breakthroughs" on the manner. Why is this news? Is it because he does this weird magic science stuff with them stars, so he must know all about getting to them?

Comment Re:Elementary my dear Watson (Score 1) 372

No, the FBI exists to protect serve the public whose tax dollars pay its salary. Just because the system is corrupt and the voters are clueless does not suddenly invalidate the ideals and principles the government was founded on.

Why do you Americans stand for this? Some ass at the head of an agency says "Oh yeah? I can't do it? Who's gonna stop me?" and all you do is bow your head and take it because "hey, can't argue with that".

Comment Re:Technology is not the answer (Score 0) 319

You appear to believe that teaching ability is an externally originating quality, such that when the blessing of the gods of teaching falls on a professor, his endeavors succeed. I am afraid this is (probably) not true. The difference between effective and ineffective teaching comes down to the choices made in methodology (assuming equal knowledge on the subject between compared teachers) and a large majority of those are discrete, tangible choices. Like not using a page of text on the handout when a single picture would do.

I'd like to challenge your claim. While you could obviously achieve a lot despite being restricted to a chalk and board, inability and unwillingness to use more effective tools at his disposal is precisely the feature of a bad teacher. It is not the only feature, but it is one of them.

Input Devices

Microsoft Tech Can Deblur Images Automatically 204

An anonymous reader writes "At the annual SIGGRAPH show, Microsoft Research showed new technology that can remove the blur from images on your camera or phone using on-board sensors — the same sensors currently added to the iPhone 4. No more blurry low light photos!"

Comment Re:You have a bad sales model (Score 0) 438

Well, if you assume price*copies sold is constant, sounds like he can make a maximum of 6250$ per week at 50 cents per copy, with your figures.

To be serious, dear Cruciform: Nobody is buying your game at 2$ but they are getting it for free. Note how the market is bigger than 25k, which means many people won't even play your game for free. I bet some of those 25k downloaded it, tried it, and uninstalled it. But even assuming all of those 25k people became addicted within moments, you still have to face it: Your game is just not that good. Most people would literally not play it unless you paid them to.

Comment Re:Bosses earn too much (Score 0) 1018

When you have last seen a job listing for "CEO of a successful company"? You are ridiculous. There are three ways to end up in that position: (1) Be born into a family with lots of influence to begin with, (2) rise up through the ranks to get to the position, (3) start your own business and make it huge. 2 is very hard, and 3 is obviously very risky- many businesses do not succeed. The boss with a million dollar salary is reaping the rewards of his past success in face of the risks taken at the time, not just his current performance.

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