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Comment Re:Hmmm.. (Score 0, Troll) 600

The advantage of published books is that someone has already screened most of the crap and I don't have to see it. Except when someone drops the ball and lets something like Wide Sargasso Sea through. Anyway, I'm going to happily maintain my standards. You can recognize as art if you want to keep up your trendy relativism.

Comment Re:Get Ready for another headline (Score 1) 408

I didn't find HL Math very useful, but that was probably because I had a horrible teacher, and it doesn't fit in well with the normal American math curriculum. On the other hand, if you're going for a degree in physics, the IB Physics Higher Level course will not be very useful. It's not at all comparable to the AP Physics C course. HL Chemistry was not as bad as Physics, but not great either.

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