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Comment Re:Too late at 30!?!? (Score 1) 451

OP is saying that you cant learn at an older age, hes questioning how someone in the technology field has not done any kind of programming.

And I have to agree. Being 30 years old (im 30 as well) and never even having the curiosity to program anything like even a webpage says you kind of fell into that position, accepted it as a 9-5 and is literally by definition a mouse clicker.

But like you cited, starting at 30+ isnt a death knoll. Yea, it sucks that your competition are all fresh out college and on the cutting edge, but thats a risk he's willing to take. Best of luck man.

Comment Re:surprised!!!! (Score 1) 704

I'm sorry, I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, but blaming the gov for this is just tin foil men on too much Jolt soda.

What are we looking at, a whopping half a million stolen in Flexcoin and what, 700k stolen in MtGox?

If a loss of less then 2 mil, or actually, whatever the total amount of bitcoins available is a threat to any government, that government is even flimsier than bitcoin is showing to be. Sorry . . . .

Comment Slashdot is of poor taste/gone to the trolls (Score 1) 111

A white hat does exactly what he is supposed to do (allegedly) and a company takes the proper route and doesnt sue him into oblivion, takes the proper steps to make a timely fix and gives him a reward. And yet everyone here swings and misses on the topic.

Congrats. This place is the officially one rung above 4chan.

Comment Re:Efficiency. (Score 1) 937

You missed the point of his post.

Not all cars, driver agnostic, can go the same speeds due to the mechanical condition of the car. Im not talking about a Ferrari versus a '83 Ford escort in terms of top speed, but stopping time of said car if all moving at the same speed. Or delving further, at speed X, are all cars capable of safely swerving out of the way or braking in time in case of an emergency? Older and lesser quality cars will differ. Or another metric is how tuned up is your car? Is it liable to breakdown mid transit? Regulating speeds of car goes way beyond the driver's wants, but the mechanical capabilities of each car.

Comment Re:So, can it play Crysis at full framerates, or.. (Score 1) 219

The application to normal laptops probably wasnt on their forefront rather than the ability to put stronger computer power in smaller (or new) places.

Which isnt to say its not translatable, but I immediately think of the applications in things such as medical devices, autos, and hand held devices that can better utilize this.

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