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Comment Re:Real Economic Recovery? (Score 1, Troll) 652

I'm curious to see how you think this budget would end up being revenue neutral. Your tax cut handouts would be prohibitively expensive. A flat income-tax rate is a sop to the rich and bilks the middle class. Are you aware that family with 3 kids making less than $26,000 is considered to be below the poverty level? But you'd raise taxes on them? Boy, talk about holding people down. And here I thought you were against "government interference".

Capital gains tax cuts are aimed at the wealthiest Americans, who are able to deduct losses on investments/real estate already. The tort reform proposal is similar to recent Supreme Court cases where states sought to impose limits on awards to victims, and those cases, even with the conservative majority, have sided with the victims.

And finally, where you get the idea of the government making more than the businesses providing the services, besides being indignantly absolute, is flat wrong. In 2005 66% of businesses in the US paid no tax - zero tax, on a collective income of $1.1 trillion dollars (Big Oil I'm looking at you!). Thanks for playing. Oh, and foreign companies operating in the US (who I'm sure you could care less about), 70% paid no taxes in 2004.

PS - if "government lawyers' were actually paying any attention to the wild west Wall Street we wouldn't be in this mess. They would've blown the whistle on the mortgage backed securities / credit default swap shadow market that nearly consumed the entire financial system. So I really don't think the average guy/gal out there trying to innovate and make some cash is facing an 800-lb gorilla lawyer who is trying to keep them down.

PPS - read up on your new best friend, the "Fair Tax", which also isn't the tax panacea your looking for:

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