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Comment Re:I call bullshit (Score 2) 277

Your situation might be different, but I figured out you just let them sleep. They'll come around on the eating. It's easy to get caught up in the science and numbers and forget they're critters, not machines.

This is true in my experience for older children, but, for the first month or two of life, you really do need to make sure they're getting milk every 3-4 hours. But now that our kids are 5 and 2, if they don't eat, it's their choice (especially the five year-old).

Comment Re:Not a big deal (Score 1) 123

Where? I've been a DH customer for 5 years and I've never been able to recover a password, only reset it. You can see the password when you first set it (i.e. it just confirms that you've chosen XYZ as your password), but after that you can only reset it, which would lead to the conclusion that it's hashed.

Comment Fallacy (Score 5, Insightful) 246

no browser wars, no open Web standards, no Mozilla, no Firefox.

That's a pretty slippery slope. Obviously there probably would have been no Mozilla or Firefox, but who's to say that another browser wouldn't have emerged to start a war, or push open web standards? This is why "what if" scenarios are inherently stupid and pointless: they force you to suppose that nothing else will have changed, but that's not true. Likely another browser would have emerged to fill the void and encourage competition.

Comment Re:I can't speak for UK law, but here in the US (Score 1) 544

The mall cop could ask you to leave, and have you arrested for trespassing if you don't, but he sure as hell couldn't confiscate your camera without a serious lawsuit. If a mall security guard tried tho take my camera, I'd tell him to fuck himself. I am a lawyer (but not your lawyer), so just let them try to place their damned dirty ape hands on me!

Indeed. I am a lawyer too (but not your lawyer!), though in Canada. And up here, while this sort of thing varies from province to province, shopping malls are generally regarded as public spaces, which means that you can't be removed without a good reason. So if you're just standing around, doing something within the confines of the law (e.g. taking a picture), and a mall cop wants to throw you out, you can (attempt to) nail the mall owner for a Charter violation.

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
