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Comment Re:Careful There, Schneier (Score 0, Flamebait) 143

You are a little bit stupid. You are a whole lot of politics. Your points don't really make sense. Your conclusions are badly thought out. Your citations are meaningless.

There are 130 citations in your CBS Dan Rather screws up link. Disregarding that, you note that "because they didn't authenticate, they got some serious negative press". That. Is. Not. The. Point. They attempted, knowingly, on purpose, with intent, to influence the presidential elections. They used falsified documents to do so. Name through the mud? They should have been shot.

Next paragraph, you'd buy it until they were caught relaying lies? Seriously? You don't think "buying" it is a little naive? Maybe you should, as one of the previous posters indicated, apply critical thinking to all of your news sources. Maybe that might help you out with the problems I listed above.

And then you just randomly bash Fox News? Really? Fox News is shit, but we don't need morons like you telling us so. Did you read the god damn decision? It does more than just put quotation marks around "law, rule or regulation". IT FOLLOWED THE LAW YOU MORON. OH HEY LOOK THE JUDGE READ THE LAW AND THEN RULED APPROPRIATELY. Even worse, your wikipedia "citation" (see what I did there?) provides four links. Two of them are the same court document that state, yeah, Fox news appealed the verdict in question, and won. One citation is an autobiography (are you kidding me?), and the last is a Source Watch link that duplicates the wikipedia article? I can search on google for "Fox News Sucks" and find better material than your stupid ass is citing.

Fuck off.

PS: Every time i read your post I get a little less angry, and a little more sad ;( You sadden me.

Comment Re:Why does password strength matter? (Score 1) 499

No shit.

Nothing annoys me more. I've already complained about this in another post, but I have FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS that don't allow non-alphanumeric. And arbitrarily limit the size.


On a related note:

I once called my companies support desk to tell them their password change website did not accept !@#$%^&*()[]{} characters. And further, that the error message REPEATED THE PASSWORD YOU TYPE IN BACK TO YOU IN THE ERROR MESSAGE? The help desk lady told me that it was too much work to fix the issue just for me since NO ONE ELSE HAS THIS PROBLEM????


Comment Re:Sweet! (Score 1) 203


Back in my day, your armor was collected by the person who killed you, your taxes went to a police force that only patrolled in cities, and all offenses were punishable by instant death. On the bright side, most thieves could be marked by their pure white death shroud and a propensity for sidling up next to you suspiciously.

Comment Re:Defensive patent (Score 1) 191

A technique that is well known, such as MapReduce, is the property of the general public and is unpatentable.. Any technology that has been sold or in use for over a year is unpatentable.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

From TFA:,650,331.PN.&OS=PN/7,650,331&RS=PN/7,650,331

Comment Encryption Ensmyption (Score 2, Funny) 660

I'd settle for my damn financial sites not forcing me to arbitrary length limited passwords with only alpha numeric characters.


If I want to set my password to

"*?@> $}}% v ^{@:># >>@@* &&^% £ÜÄ-AbN-

Your site needs to accept that.

Comment Re:I disagree (Score 1) 165

Say chap, I just read this slash dot post the other day, I think you might like it, allow me to repeat it to you verbatim !

This guy, he was important or something, or i think he was, im not sure, i can't remember what he did.... anyways this guy, he wrote a play... or was it a book? Shit. Uh. well, he was old, and he sounded like he knew stuff. So he told me that...uhh...that... shit. He said that Elizabeth had a great set of... breasts. Or memories. Or something. I don't know who Elizabeth was though, I assumed he was talking about his wife but i dunno. So she went home and yelled at her kids, cause they were making unauthorized copies of some The Folios, the band, and letting people download it on the internet. She had got this letter from the RIAA, being sued for like upteen bajillion dollars. So yeah. It was bad.

Comment Re:why? (Score 1) 580

Right On.

Further, for those of us stuck helping our family's with their computers, the last... the very last fucking thing I want to have to do is say, "Ok mom, what i need you to do is open up a shell window. Yeah, Start -> Run -> c... No mom... No, don't... Ok, let's wait for it to turn back on. Sure mom, how's dad?"

Normal users, also known as the other 90% of the people who own and operate the device we call a computer, need it to operate like a toaster. Press this easy large idiot proof button, collect golden brown toast.

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