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Comment Re:No conflict of interest there (Score 1) 572

Realistic 3d graphics, and in the future this will only get better and better, more lifelike and near impossible to tell from reality, some will use it to model their fav teacher/whoever is their fantasy, some will model on kids. When it does come out I dare say many pedophiles would prefer to goto that form of content vs actually harming a kid, I'm sure quite alot of pedos hate the fact they are pedos, and really wouldn't ever want a kid to be harmed.

For treatment and support centers to work we would need to make them closed from the "public" view, much more confidential than even abortion clinics (If a pedo has a chance of beign identified going in, they won't go) Then the tricky part comes in, what if they are working with children but are seeking treatment, do we fire them and ban them from the job for merely seeking treatment thus showing a possible threat?

Comment Re:No conflict of interest there (Score 1) 572

Many rapists, abusers, have legal porn, wear clothing, brush their teeth, drink alcohol and take other drugs legal and illegal, etc etc etc.

Many people watch violent movies but wouldn't harm a fly, the correlation here just isn't justified.

Here's a fun fact, not all child sex abusers are pedophiles!!!

Comment Re:Right (Score 1) 375

Games in Australia can reach and overtake 100bucks, whilst overseas they seem to be much cheaper.

Not to mention 100dollars for a 5 hour game leaves a bitter taste in your mouth to putting down good cash, specially when wow has thousands of hours for 15 a month.

Games got too complex and require too much money to make these days, but the fun and replay factor is lower it seems than the good ol days, what the PC gaming industry needs to do is work on engines better and to make it much faster with less time to make decent games, possibly even have "free" community made games.

In time the community games should become much faster to make and easier with enough decent coding going into engines, streamline the design and you're set.

Comment Re:Um (Score 1) 124

Not sure what amateur porn you've seen where they don't visibly look like they're enjoying themselves:P Plenty of amateur orgies even where everyone seems to enjoy it?

Comment Re:Um (Score 1) 124

Then you have also witnessed the sheer amount of amateur porn being produced and distributed by such websites as well, the professional industry may be suffering but the "fun" amateurs are rising due to easy distribution. Whilst most is probably free, I've seen some sites where amateurs are paid for their content they produce.

With access to decent cameras, easy distribution, even unpaid the porn industry is becoming far more user-created, why would anyone want to buy porn? People are giving it away for free and loving it.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 319

Well the batteries suggested by him would be nanotubes which could hold an immense amount of charge apparently, and a large jet could hold so much of it that I think you'd easily get 10000 times more power. But I am no scientist, so don't quote me on that:P

Watch the episode of the lightsaber and the other with the death star, Sci Fi Science on discovery channel and it discusses all the technologies further.

Comment Re:A high speed railway (Score 1) 691

Problem is we'll get to a point where food supplies won't support the amount of people, so we'll have to sterilize quite a lot of people in places with severe food shortages to be humane (or hope they don't breed). It's a sad fact of life until we can get science to match growth in keeping enough resources, but it will always be a race between the two.

We could ignore it and let millions of babies be born only to suffer starvation though, let "nature" do its work but that really isn't "humane" at all.

The trouble will be deciding who to sterilize, hopefully a 1 or 2 child policy might be able to be made to keep population in control.

Comment Re:Not jail, the wilderness (Score 1) 184

Globalization calls for internet access for high speed communication, many people make a living soley through their internet connection and require access to it simply to look for a job, email a resume/cv, etc.

With more and more technology people will be working from home even more when they can remote login to their workplace servers and be able to wittle out there work. It also allows for such things as mothers to work from home whilst being able to care for their child, the internet is soon becoming a modern day human NEED for employment. Not to mention many kids in remote areas RELY on the internet for education, hell even adults doing uni/college from afar rely on it.

Sure we don't need cars, planes, etc, but do you want to regress to a time of horse drawn cart? Man doesn't get to space by only riding horsies. Cut out his internet and you basically cut him off from modern life, or soon to be modern life.

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