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Comment Why have outside lights at night all the time? (Score 2) 117

Live in a rural area an hour + outside of a major US city. We and, save one elderly couple, no one around us use outside lights. That includes landscape lighting. Mostly as it destroys the night sky, but also as we've a huge crop of "organic" insects who swarm to lights. They also support an eco system including a thriving community of barn swallows who visit each summer. So back to "banning." why lights in the first place again? - "crime?" - this seems to be the most reasonable one. Not here but in cities? How's that going for those cities w riots? - driving safety? Maybe with yesterday's headlights? - "walking safety" - again, think led flashlights have solved I know this inquiry sounds naive, so am truly asking, why do we need lights?

Comment Apollo (Score 1) 32

Makes me wonder if Apollo couldn't have benefited from an no humans fail fast model. Was autonomous guidance so limited then that they needed people on board to do stuff? Also, can a spacex fan help me understand what this next round of design is solving for, that the current design cannot meet? Seems like they've achieved some remarkable goals to date.

Comment INTC dead, just don't know it yet (Score 1) 119

With the combo of the cloud market commoditizing x86 (who cares if it's Intel inside), flat / down pc sales, and having long ago ceded the low end to ARM, they're dead. Just like AT&T, sun and IBM before them, inertia will carry them a long time, but they're dead nonetheless.

Comment Re: The wind is blowing thata way (Score 1) 123

how are they measuring change? If any person or org is wanting to do something, they should have a way to gauge progress. Even soft measurements like NPS (net promoter) has a score. I'm truly curious, not snarky or trolling. The US did more to rebuild Germany and Japan post-war than they did in a century, post civil war, for the 'freed' slaves.

Comment Re: Ouch. (Score 5, Insightful) 249

Why was this flame bait? Full disclosure : we decided we'll before BLM to move to allow/block. It was a minor change, and no one made a deal of it. This for us was a can't hurt, might help case. All that said, the tenets that black lives in the US have had a much harder go, pre and post slavery, shouldn't be in dispute.

Comment ID'd the perp. Now what? (Score 1) 148

So even after we sort the HOA like abuses. The perps are ID'd, what happens next? Cops are limited from dealing with property crimes, so... Sounds like next steps are private security that can be called out by the HOA committee. I don't think I'm alone in wanting this to go forward as an experiment in responses to defund the police. Not the snarky "get my popcorn," rather maybe there will be a model that's seen to work.

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