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Comment Re:Sports Announcer Voice. (Score 2) 317

We have killed him—-you and I. All of us are his murderers. But how did we do this? How could we drink up the reality distortion field? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away general purpose computing? What were we doing when we chained our phones to fucking iTunes? Jobs is dead. Jobs remains dead. And we have killed him.

Comment Re:forgivness (Score 1) 190

If your vote doesn't matter for a 'third party', then it likewise doesn't matter for a 'first party' either. Your vote only (by your definition) 'matters' if a bunch of other people vote in the same manner: third party, first party or penguin.

Comment Re:And sometimes Windows 7 doesn't (Score 1) 879

Moreover, Windows 7 just doesn't do some things any more that XP does. My other half has some old DOS era games she enjoys playing from time to time, but Windows 7 can't run them (without installing a whole VM and FreeDOS or something similarly dramatic). In XP, they just work. I do appreciate that Microsoft spend a lot of time and money maintaining backward compatibility for a very long time, but the fact is that they have chosen to break it in some cases in Windows 7, and that is a black-and-white loss if you happen to want to run the older stuff. Ditto for older hardware (where by older, in some cases I mean not very old at all but the vendor is an ass and never released Windows 7 drivers so you have to buy their new model instead).

http://www.dosbox.com/ ??

Comment Re:450 minutes? I don't even use 45 (Score 1) 366

because it would be slow, suck, and annoyingly cause most of your incoming calls to end up going straight to voicemail

Then schedule your torrents to kick in between 1 AM and 6 AM, when your incoming calls were going to voice mail anyway.

UMTS quite happily supports multi-RAB (i.e. both voice and data at the same time) so your incoming calls shouldn't end up going straight to voicemail.

Comment Re:Cost Much? (Score 1) 149

MMS is just an SMS that has a link to a 'thing' (picture, video, audio etc.) on the telco operators MMS server. The phone receives the link, connects to the server and downloads the appropriate 'thing' which can be much larger than 160chars (because that limit is on the link not the thing itself).

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